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2007 Sets



Acquired: Hahli, Nuparu, Kongu, Makutilos, Lesovikk.


Hahli: She's pretty awesome, as you are probably guessing. I have a problem with how the tube connects though. It's strung through a piece on her back in such a way that if you move the head without feeding it through that piece, the tube is basically going to come off. Sucks for Hahli, if she likes breathing.


Kongu: Kongu has one of the better breathing tube setups. It never leaves the head, and so it works great compared to Hahli's. You should be seeing more of my thoughts on him later though.


Nuparu: The ankles and wrists are on 2D joints (the Piraka lower long arm). It gives more stabiliity, but less posability. The breathing tube is a little long, so he can pose his head anyway he likes. Too long, IMO.


Makutilos: Spinax is a great model by himself. The tail is too long and unmovable, so he can't crouch down low. Other than that, he's great. Makutilos himself has an interesting torso design with movable shoulders. Not really an incredible design, but it's okay.


Lesovikk: The bike is pretty neat. Has some great pieces. Lesovikk is your classic Toa, with Pridak's weapon and no Cordak Launcher (as it's on the bike).


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