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Project: Arbiter[update: 9/22/07]



MAJOR UPDATE: Click here


You may know that I'm working on an MOC of a Halo Elite. This is a progress update.




Head detail

UPDATE!! Four new pics: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] -


BTW, I got the Energy Sword design off of MOCpages, so it's not mine. Credit to whoever made it. I'm gonna change it to green, since I don't have enough blue flex-tubes.


Found the last two pieces for the leg design. I'll have pics up pretty soon. Color scheme still needs a bit of work, but I'll be taking suggestions about that.


Comments? Criticism?



~D -


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One comment: It looks sorta boxy compared to the non-MOC-pic, 'specially the head. In fact, the head doesn't really resemble the non-MOC-pic head at all.

Just my opinion.

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I'm currently doing some smoothing out with tubing and such, so hopefully I'll be able to take care of that.


And, yeah, the head isn't all that good of a representation. I'm still trying to find a piece that approximates that head armor shape. And the non-MOC pic head is at a wierd angle.




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I'm still trying to find a piece that approximates that head armor shape. And the non-MOC pic head is at a wierd angle.
A Fenrakk head?


You killed the arms! :happydance:

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A Fenrakk head?


You killed the arms! :happydance:

Far too big. I think I'll just add a part or two to the neck to make the back of the helmet look right.


Not really. I did some mods to the shoulder joint, so the arms aren't back on yet. They're undergoing quite a bit of tweaking, though.




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It's really good, the torso could just be smoothed out a bit, and maybe the head could resemble it a bit more. Nice idea of using Matoro's cutters in the torso. (:





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Thanks!! ^_^


Color scheme is something that I can change after I've got everything built, so I'm not really worrying about it right now. And I don't think dark blue will work. More like bley and sand blue.


BTW, he's got a plasma sword now. I'll update in a few minutes.




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sweet mother of the Oracle... that rules, i do agree with the whole best moc ever, i can't rely see how this is too boxy to resemble the eliete, looks just like the good ol' arbiter (bonus points if you can find some way to get a mark of shame on him) still this rules beyond belief, i hope you dont make the common mistake that some people make, alot of people forget the hooves on the elietes feet. BUt seing as your a halo fan, theres no way you can miss a single bit of him



ps. Looking forward to the moc, maybe some more halo mocs after this *cough* *cough* hunter *cough*

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I don't think there's a way to do the Mark of Shame properly, but if there is, I'll use it.


Hooves are part of the reason the legs are taking so long. Gotta get 'em just right.


Check a few entries down. There's an entry with a list of MOCing projects I might start. Lekgolo is one of them, so if you want me to build one, comment in the entry.




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Quite a few BBCs ago I accidentally made something that everyone said resembled the Arbiter... Mostly in the head I think.

Here's the link if you'd like to see him. I don't care if use any of the ideas if you think they're worth it.


Anyway, yours is really quite awesome. I truly admire your ability to make custom arms and bodies. The head is usually the only thing I'm good at... However, I do agree that its head could resemble the Arbiter a bit more. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. :)



CT :pirate:

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Quite a few BBCs ago I accidentally made something that everyone said resembled the Arbiter... Mostly in the head I think.

Here's the link if you'd like to see him. I don't care if use any of the ideas if you think they're worth it.


Anyway, yours is really quite awesome. I truly admire your ability to make custom arms and bodies. The head is usually the only thing I'm good at... However, I do agree that its head could resemble the Arbiter a bit more. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. :)



CT :pirate:

Nice feet.
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Quite a few BBCs ago I accidentally made something that everyone said resembled the Arbiter... Mostly in the head I think.

Here's the link if you'd like to see him. I don't care if use any of the ideas if you think they're worth it.


Anyway, yours is really quite awesome. I truly admire your ability to make custom arms and bodies. The head is usually the only thing I'm good at... However, I do agree that its head could resemble the Arbiter a bit more. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. :)



CT :pirate:

Yeah, that does look quite a bit like him. Too bad I don't have a silver Avohkii or I'd use it for the head.


Woah! :OMG: That destroys my WIP, incredible, I love the torso, but the arms need a bit of tweaking, mostly the fingers.


Gotta love Halo.



The fingers can actually be tweaked so that the thumbs spread like the Elites in the game. It's not very stable, though, since the thumbs have a tendency to snap back to the normal position. I'll probably pose 'em properly when I take pics, though.




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This is looking very nice. The use of the Matoro claws was very clever. It has an overall compact and shapely look, very impressive use of the smaller parts, as usual. Kind of reminds me of your Predator, which I thought was one of your best.


I await the final version.

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Sweet flying monkeys on a stick... the full moc looks amazing. I think my eyes are actually bleeding.


Head design, 10/10

Torso design 11/10 (mostly for hte genious use of the matoro weapons)

Arm design 10/10

Leg design 10/10

Weapon design 8/10 (just because someone else came up with the energy sword design)


Now as for the color scheme, i say you try to get it white with some orange, and make him look like good ol' halfjaw from halo 2...... either that or you could spend a few thousand years trying to make him look like a royal guard?


Nonetheless, it looks awesome, noone can beat this, and we all look forward to your future mocs... KUTAW


Spelling corrected. ;)

And, no, I won't re-color the design to look like Rtas 'Vadumee. It's supposed to be the Arbiter.




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