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Ram, Time Travel, And Irrelevant Randomness.



Well... The comic is dead, so I can use the name lol.

Well first off, since I am planning to upgrade to leopard come november, I upgraded my RAM, I now have 1.25 gigs! :D

Also, today I randomly started thinking about the possibilities of traveling into the future, and after the research I did not this intriguing, and bound to cause myself to be labeled as a fool! :lol: So basically, it was theorized by Einstein that if one travels at 3/4 the speed of light or faster (but never reaching the speed of light) your bodily functions, including your thoughts would slow by whatever fraction of the speed of light at which you are going. which means that you would age at whatever fraction of the speed of light you are going as well. So imagine this: I set out on a rocket with an infinite supply of air, food, and all supplies necessary for life, the rocket is going at 3/4 the speed of light, and it will land where earth will be in approximately the earth will be in 40 years. Since I am aging at 3/4 the speed that people on earth would. So that when I land, I would have aged by 30 years, and the earth by 40. Because my bodily functions (including my thoughts) would have slowed to three fourths the speed they normally would (and since that includes my thoughts, I would not be able to tell the difference) I would have traveled into the future. Am I to be classified as a kook yet? Just don't recommend me to the insane asylum, please... :unsure: Also, if anyone has seen Nikira's new piece, I am working on a wallpaper from it currently. :)


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Ah, so you like mac, huh. Me too!!!!!!! My dad just got a macbook with a 2.16 Ghz intel core 2 duo processor-(spelling?), and 1 GB of Ram. It has iLife 08, and the latest version of OS X Tiger. Can't wait till Leapord comes out too. Although Stacks looks kinda weird. :P Time Travel is pretty sweet, I have to say. Well, see ya later!

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