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What the heck?!?!?!?! My dad keeps getting angry at me over my stupid math grades, and of course, when he is angry, I SUFFER! WHa he heck, they are just simple homework grades, I am doing more things then he did in seventh grade and I am advanced by a full year, SO WHY IS HE SO ANGRY?!?!?!?!? It just feels sooooooo unfair because I do not like telling him my grades because when they are bad, he ALWAYS gets in a horrible funk and is ALWAYS angry with me!!! So what if I get a fifty on a pop quiz in spanish, so what if I get a bad grade on the tests our demented spanish teacher never tells us the topic of?!?!?! What if I get a bad grade on math homework ONCE! This is only the fourth week of school, WHY IS HE BEING SO DEMANDING! :angry:


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Honey, they're a lot more horrible things that could happen to you than just your dad being demanding....


Parents are like that, I'll be a bit truthful, and I'm dealing with a bit more than this...but my parents really get onto me about this also. I do well in one subject, or most of them, and if I get a bad grade in something like math, they just get completely off the hook. Hate to say, there is probably isn't much you can do. A good suggestion could be, is to talk to your dad, and try to understand his point of view, and maybe he will understand yours. Talking usually helps. :) I totally understand though, and you’ll just have to deal with it best you can.


Just be thankful that you’re dad ain’t demanding andabusive…

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