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T-Hybrid found it difficult to put together a proper entry for today's festivities. He has asked instead that his guest writer give it his best shot.


YaHAR me mateys! It be Cap'n ViceGreymon settin' sail on this fine Wednesday eve! When I told that scurvy dog T that it be the Annual Day to talk like a pyrat he gave me the ol' eeevil eye and shook his head like a yeller-bellied coward. So I too it upon meself to grab the keyboard and punch out a fine shanty to mark the occasion!


You want to know what be the best part of talkin' like a king uh' the sea? When yur a good seven stories tall nobody looks at ya crosseyed! Yaaaarrrr! But truth be told I'm always lookin for an excuse to goof around. You lot cant see it, but I've got me an eye patch and uh pegleg fur the day. Of course I be cheatin' a bit as my legs are made uh' metal and can be swapped out. But I'm in the spirit uv the day! Wanna know somethin even better? I got me a parrot even. Don't be tellin' the T-Boss bout that though. There be enough creatures wandering 'bout the Haven without me adding another Digimon!


But this be where I leave you lot! There's a party planned for us pirates up this way, and I'm dun wanta be late. Play me out Polly!



Bwwaaaak! Yo-ho an' a bottle o....soda!


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Arrg! I celebrated the International Talk Like a Pirate Day myself! The lot of me sea-fairing friends and I donned our eye-patches and strolled around school saying "shiver me timbers" to anyone brave enough to give us a second glance!

yar, it was fun!



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