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My Nose, My Nose!

Lady Kopaka


Yeah, my nose is running. ;_; And I cannot seem to catch it...


Well, I got some weird cold/sinus thingy. I'm pretty sure since my throat is killing me; my nose is running like crazy, I feel all tired, numb and just...bleh. I also checked out my lymph nodes and they are pretty swollen.


And I was supposed to go bowling today with friends. :(


I'm not sure how long this will last, but I might stay off the computer a bit more just to rest and stuff. I know, I REALLY need to catch up on BZP and the like, but I'm lacking in time...


I am also starting Drivers ED in about a week. :happydance: Which I have mixed feelings about. I'll be happy to learn how to drive and stuff (Dad hasn’t been helping me lately =/), but I really wish I didn't have to throw away my $175 bucks. *Moans*


But my art is going ok. Just, I need some more watercolored pencils, I was practicing with some color techniques last night and suddenly noticed they are breaking and being like super fragile. Which makes sense, cuz' I haven't bought new colored pencils in like...2 years? So I think that's a sign I need to go buy some new ones...I also need a few other things...so hopefully I'll be able to get out and buy a few.


Hopefully. Mom like never takes me anywhere.




I can't wait to drive.


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Hope you get to feeling better, sad to see it happen but summer appears to be ending. Drivers ED is 175 dollars now? It was only 50 bucks back in 97, that is a huge increase over 10 years!

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My mom and I caught the same thing, only I don't think as bad. It seriously makes me lose sleep, though, and that hasn't helped school.


Have fun with Driver's Ed! Be careful out on the roads -- people can be beyond insane behind a wheel.[/color[

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My friend was ill for almost 2 weeks with what you are talking about, plus extremely sore throat, and awful coughing. He never ever gets sick, and this one just put him out for the count. So, take medicine to keep it at bay. He's allergic to many types of cold medicine, so the poor guy had to tough it out.

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You only have to pay $175??? Over here it’s like $500 - $1000…

Pretty sure it’s $1,000… because I couldn’t afford to do it… but luckily my mom has made a big effort to teach me (I’ll be driving us girls to dance class now \m/ ).

But yes Driving is Wonderful!


Hurray for new pencils! I just got some prismacolors myself and am putting them to work. But Yah I know what you mean, old watercolored pencils are trouble when they start falling apart on you…


I hope you get better *hates sickness* My lil sister got the same thing a little while ago… bowling is fun…


You should Take a nap… then drop me a line and tell me how it went.




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So the sinus thing is what you were talking about when you told JMJ you weren't feeling well? If so, that's perhaps a good thing. I was afraid that it might be an emotional sort of "not feeling well," and frankly knowing that it's not I can rest easy knowing that it's nothing insuperable, especially considering how much easier it is to find help for your physical health than for your emotional health.


Anyway, I don't know what to tell you about Driver's Ed. I took a driver's ed course last year at my school and it didn't really help me feel more at ease with the concept of driving. In fact, I'm now even less comfortable in a car when I'm not driving, and every time my mom gets distracted or my dad negligent, I cringe in fear, at least for a few seconds.


And colored pencils... not sure what to say there, either. I create most of my art these days with the intention of coloring it, but the fact that I'm not any good at it (Ha. Me being good at something. What a laugh) and the fact that I don't like coloring my artwork hampers those plans considerably.


But anyway, glad to hear you're feeling OK emotionally. :)

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Strangely, I'm almost never sick. It's usually once a year. Usually a day before Halloween. <_< Or on Halloween. <_< Or, if I'm lucky, the day after Halloween. =D


Usually I have bad allergies, but they've gotten better since I started taking an allergy pill once a day.


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Swollen lymph nodes = not fun. D: I had problems with the ones by my jawbone earlier this year. It hurt to eat. ><


Welll yes, get well soon, LK!


I have to pay for my Driver's Ed, tooooo.


Except it's over $400 here.


And I'm rather poor.


So it's not going well. XD



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Odd. You live on the other side of the US, based on where you are, yet my mother recently caught the exact symptoms. o_O Except for Roa's friend and Brown Coat, it seems everyone who caught it was a woman...odd...


My brother finished his drivers ed recently. It's $200 here. $3 dollars less there! You so lucky! =P I was nervous about him driving until he got his license; the state trusts him, I trust him. Sadly, my mom won't let him drive alone yet. By the time he can dirve me places, He will have lost the excitement a new driver gets and will only drive places he wants to go! No going to the local gamestore for RPG Tuesday without my mothers embarrassing pickups! >,<


My own art supplies are running short. =( four of my coloured pencils are so small it hurts my hands to use them, and I fear sharpening them will make them too short to use, nine of my twelve art markers are dry, my sketchbook is about half-full with non-bionicle content and a few Bionicle sketches(Including that one of you I'm working on, or more of the failed ones of the one I'm working on of you. Let's leave it at a few words: hands, mouth, eyes, and mask details. >,<), my pencils are running out of lead, and my inking pens are drying up. =c


...same here. About one more year now...(I know I'm 13; but my Birthdays less than a month from now, and I'll be 14, a year and nine months away from a learners permit, two years nine months away from a license.

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I got sick when my Rainbow group was supposed to do something with the Demolay boys. (March 2006)


It felt terrible. :(


I only got sick once this year, when my family and I got caught in the rain in San Diego.


As for art supplies... I have a lot of pencils, but they are old.



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