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On Life



I have been thinking. Yes. Thinking.

I received a Duke Tip pamphlet today.

I have recently realized that thirteen years ago yesterday I was born. From that day it was 18-19 years that I would go to college. It is now 6. Yes. 6. What happened to life? What happened to the past 13 years? Where will I be in 6 years? At a college dorm, possibly reminiscing the time 6 years ago when I was wondering what I would be doing in my life 6 years from that point.

Here is the average american life:


A. You are born, you start going o school at ages 4-6 (I started going at 3 for some reason).


B. You soon begin middle school, with many changes in schooling and life along the way, clicks form, etc.

1. Some go to the private, prep schools. You possibly begin to think about your future life (college).

2. You go to a public school and depending on the level of education you could be somewhat prepared for college.


C. College

1. You most likely go to college, depending on if you went to a prep school, you are somewhat prepared, ready, and used to spending 3hr per class for every 1hr in class. You could have possibly started on your college credits.

2. Or you are totally unprepared.


D. Later life

1. You become an entrepreneur, you become your own boss.

2. You go to work for a large firm and land at a low job and spend the rest of your life in a small cubicle. Kneeling at the shoes of your boss. You make no mark or difference on life.

3. You go to work for a large firm, but you land a higher job, but you are still polishing the shoes of those higher up than you.

4. You become a politician and possibly:

A. You have the majority of people appreciate/love/swoon over you.

B. You have the majority of people hate/loathe you and want you dead (like which people I am thinking of?).

C. You manage to, recreate, or uphold on of the biggest democracies on earth (or as I refer to it, chimeric plutocracies).

D. You are assassinated as a result of line B.

5. You become a radical and attemp to make changes through popular culture (Green Day, John Lennon, etc.)

E. You die.



What is the point if you do not make a lasting mark on life?



Also, I did not break the rules line 4:B and 4:C because I did not refer to which chimeric Plutocracy, government, or democracy. Keep in mind that American can refer to anyone living in South and North American.




Recommended Comments

Is that all American's do in their life? :P

It's funny, time. The years seem to get quicker and quicker as time passes. I find it...really scary.

Time and Life. They are two of the most powerful things...and we understand little about both.




sry, I just fixed the post -Wil

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