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Welcome To K-ville

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Afford me a moment to rant.


Not about politics per se, but about local goings on.




Earlier this year, it was announced that Fox would film a new TV series called K-Ville, on location in New Orleans. The series would be a crime dramatization of post-Katrina New Orleans. The pilot episode aired this past Monday night at 9 ET/PT on Fox broadcast stations, and is currently available for free on iTunes. It is rated TV-14.



And I made the mistake of watching it.


Now, I'm not saying one shouldn't watch it. It's just that, I have some problems with it.

I can't help it. I know it's a dramatization, and yet there are things they got wrong. I must address them.



In semi-chronological order.

  • I don't know about Bywater and the Upper 9, but for the rest of Louisiana, there's no such thing as a "gumbo party." Gumbo can be enjoyed by all, yes, but it's not like it's scheduled or anything.

    Besides, it's not gumbo weather until November at the earliest.

  • Even in the Big Easy, no cop is drinking on duty. Warren Riley, NOPD chief will be on their backsides if that ever happened.
  • Rue Bourbon (Bourbon Street) is never empty enough for an automobile to drive down unimpeded, or for two police officers to not have anyone in the background.
  • The ensuing chase took place underneath the Westbank Expressway, on the West Bank of the river. (The two bridges you saw are the GNO and the Crescent City Connection.) It takes about 20 minutes to get from the Vieux Carré (the French Quarter) to the West Bank, not 30 seconds. Then, to get back onto the East Bank and to the CBD where the casino is located....no sir.
  • That duBois mansion is on River Road, and not in New Orleans. It has to be about 40 miles up-river from the city, as there certainly isn't room for a house and lawn that size in the New Orleans metropolitan area. This is not a city of plantation homes, and hasn't been for many years.
  • Fort Polk is outside Leesville, and is a US Army base. However, Leesville is about a 4½ hour drive one-way from New Orleans. One does not come here from Ft. Polk in the evenings.


    And finally.

  • There is no white conspiracy to force out the black residence!

    I'm sorry, but as a Caucasian male, I have to take offense to that generalization. Need I remind the reader of the genesis of this blog's name?: the mayor's office, in its wisdom-yet-flawed-execution, has publicly said that such a thing won't happen.


    No, even after the storm, things are not perfect here. And yes, I even heard with my own ears, some people with the money to try to execute what the plot laid forth. Thing is, it was nothing more than talk, and that talk quit by 2 weeks after the storm. Besides, anything has to go through City Hall, and even the most incompetent/dishonest government worker has his/her limits: to coin a phrase, our mommas taught us better.

All that said, I wasn't wholly repugnated like some of my coworkers at the Yenni building. I may switch it on if there's nothing worth watching during Monday Night Football. Of course, that won't be the case this Monday night: the Saints are hosting the Titans the day before my birthday.


Oh, I guess I'm due for another birthday. Send cash, please.





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