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Four Score And Seven Days Ago...



Wow, it's been almost four months since I've blogged last. I guess I just lost interest here for a while, but I'm back! And I make no promises of a regular blog upkeep. ;) But right now I'm gonna work on updating my blog's look, and squeeze a decent title out of my brain.


In the meantime you can entertain yourself with the words spoken typed below...


I've got another baby sister, born in June; which makes makes her sister number five! Guess I'm still the only boy in this family. (besides my dad.) But I'm the oldest, and that comes with it's perks.


I've recently gained an interest in playing the piano and have taught myself a bit of how to read sheet music! But slowly. It takes a while for me to figure out which note(s) I'm supposed to play. I've already made up two songs, but they're not complete yet.


Also, I've been interested in The Books of Ember Series. The City of Ember is the first book in the series, and is gonna be a movie next year! I can't wait! The book is about two kids who attempt to save the people of a dying city where there's no sky. The only light comes from flood lamps mounted on buildings and lampposts. I've read the second book, The People of Sparks, as well. All I have left is to read The Prophet of Yonwood.


Let's see, anything interesting I could tell you? Well, in July I went to Massachusetts for a family reunion of people related to me who I've never met, but spent a few days prior in New York (no, not the city) with some relatives I've known my whole life. I was much more comfortable there.


Oh, and sometime in... april or june, i forgot when, we (my siblings and I) got a Wii! But we don't have any actual games for it yet. Unless you count Wii Sports and Wii Play. :rolleyes:


Well those were just a few significant things I could remember right now from the past four months. And hopefully I'll update this blog more often.

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Your blog entry title just made me crave to listen to Relient K...


I'm glad you're back though! Congrats about your little sister, I got 5 siblings also, great chaos ain't it? =P


Oh, and Wii's are cool too...I don't have one but I play 'em at my friends houses alot. You should try to get Zelda sometime, that's a fun game.

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