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Catch Up

Lady Kopaka


I just caught up with all the recent Bionicle storyline stuff that has bewildered and confuzzled my brain these days.




But I really want Toa Lesovikk and Maxilos & Spinax, but I don't have the money.


I have been doing lot's of Bionicle art! And so far it's all good!


Save for one, which the pretty background I was painting got all messed up.


And I have like a million short stories I'm doing, and so far they are good.


But I am low on time to work on them, and I don't know which to finish first.




As you can tell, I'm rather bored and have been craving to blog really bad for some reason, but I don't have much to say at this moment, unless you guys have any suggestions.


Hurrah and Boo. :P


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Doesn't all this wonderfully busy and intense storyline with strange events all happening and blowing things up just want to make your brain pop at the seams?! 8D


I've herad that a lot of people are having trouble with Lesovikk - mine was perfectly fine, but a lot of the sets are still missing the ame piece as before. ><



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Maxilos is easily the best set of the year. But be careful with Lesovikk -- I've already had two pieces break completely and two more are cracked pretty good. Durn lime green pieces. But the lime green Faxon = win.


Yay for art! :D

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If I were you, I'd forget about Lesovikk. I wasn't very happy with him.


You could blog about how cool stuff is... :P



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Doesn't all this wonderfully busy and intense storyline with strange events all happening and blowing things up just want to make your brain pop at the seams?! 8D


I have to disagree, it all makes perfect sense I follow quite well.

I just want more Kopaka in the story (right now he's guarding Roodaka)... I'm going to kill Roodaka :burnmad: If she so much as looks at MY KOPAKA She will Soon know the TRUE meaning of PAIN!!! :evilgrin:


*cough* sorry Lady K I should have said OUR Kopaka... -_-


I'm still going to make Roodaka suffer <_< ...



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Necro is shocked Lady K stopped using 3rd person. :P


If Lady K needs something to do/say, do/say something unexpected. Necro suggests something like following the gender switching fad and becoming Sir Kopaka. ^^

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Necro is shocked Lady K stopped using 3rd person. :P


If Lady K needs something to do/say, do/say something unexpected. Necro suggests something like following the gender switching fad and becoming Sir Kopaka. ^^


No don't do that it's ridiculous/(another word)




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Is it stupid? Or is it so stupid in Renna's mind Renna does not see the brilliance?!? :P



I find it Immature


It was a bad joke, Necro makes them much too often. Ask some of Necro's friends.

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