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Project Origin



OMG. Someone lent me a GameInformer magazine today that had this whole big article on Project Origin, the full sequel to F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon. I read it. It sounds AMAZING. You play a guy named Michael Beckett, a Delta Squad leader sent in to the Armacham facility to do something that has yet to be revealed. It starts half an hour before the ending of F.E.A.R., so it's before the Origin facility explodes. Alma's body was released from her containment chamber, as shown at the end of F.E.A.R., when her father Harlan Wade opened the Vault. According to the article, "what Alma could do while in the Vault pales in comparison to what she can do now that she's released." It was hinted at that she could summon stuff WAY worse that those ghost things in the first game. Also, as hinted at in Extraction Point, she might have the ability to raise the dead, probably in a similar way to the Tryna.


And get this: in the first game, you're main enemies were the Replicas, the ghosts (called Nightmares), and occasional Armacham security guards. On top of those, Project Origin will have Armacham's special forces soldiers, more demons summoned by Alma, and a number of Armacham's failed experiments, which I have no doubt most of which, if not all, are living and sentient.


Not to mention that, unlike those in the first game, the horrifying visions Alma pulls you into DO have things that could harm and kill you. Yipee.


And I saw the launch trailer. It looks way better than Halo 3, IMO.


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I would love to get my hands on F.E.A.R., rather scary and stuff, but very good. :D And the sequal sounds super awesome. Whoot!


Yeah, all my friends are jabbering on about Halo 3, and I'm like, whatever. =/

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Oh I like Halo, it's just that people at school have talked about to death and beyond, and I've started to get tired of it. Once I eventually upgrade to Windows Vista, I'll give Halo 2 a try and get my own opinion.


While I'm sure Halo 3 is a wondrous game, people camping out of the store and cutting school for it bothers me. Besides, I've played Halo PC more times than I can count and need something new. :P

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