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I Hate My School



I really do. It's a mile long. It's too big. Halls are overstuffed. People don't know how to walk like normal people. Most of my classmates are beyond stupid, in both book-smarts and common sense. But generally, on a day-to-day basis, all of that I can dismiss and ignore. I can manage.


No, it's the amazingly stupid things that happen. My school has made the news so much it's not even funny, and all of it bad. My Freshman year, we had a full-scale bomb scare on Valentine's Day when we had to go stand in the bleachers of the football field for hours -- literally about six hours -- in the pouring, freezing rain. Sophomore year, we had a mysterious plague that the whole school caught, so everyone was at home hugging their thrones. Last year, Junior Year, we had THREE separate bomb scares. This year, when I've only been there for two weeks, we've already had a mysterious and filthy seven-foot girl hiding in the girl's gym locker room shower stealing people's money, iPods, cell phones, etc. She got away and was never found.


Today, something ELSE screwed up what was a decent day. Now, there are guys doing road construction outside of the school. They start it at around 7:30 and stop at 2:10, when we get out so the Seniors that drive and teachers can go home. Today, at 1:23, between seventh and eighth period, AT THE VERY END OF THE DAY, one of the construction workers hit something and the power for the entire school went dead. Since there was no emergency lighting in the gym, which is my eighth period class, we had to go out to the football field, were we could stand on the scorching field or sit on the heat-absorbing metal bleachers. Then they closed off all of the entrances except for the front. So I had to call my grandmother, teach her how to use the caller ID, get her to call my grandfather on his phone, and get him to go to the front as opposed to the side where he usually picks me up, since it was closed off. So again I had to see in the sun, in 90 degree weather, while waiting for him.


Needless to say, I've had a pretty horrid day, and I STILL have three projects for three different classes all due within the next three days. And I can't work on the weekend, because Saturday I have to go to a college open house in Maryland and Sunday I might have to drive two hours up to Tabernacle.


I hate my school.


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Gaaack! Poor you, all that is just dreadful! *Hugs* I hope everything gets better...cuz man, that just sucks. =(


I really dislike my school to a degree...Though I like homeschooling, I can get bullied by siblings and can suffocate really bad in my sea of a huge family....But going through all that trouble seems worse, but this is your last year of Highschool right? =D That's a good thing.

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Provided I can survive till the end. I shudder at what might happen during our Senior Trip to Disney World (actually, knowing my class, we won't make it there -- they'd probably have the plane turned around and cancel the whole thing).


Thanks for the support, though. *hugs* And here's some for your end. :)

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Aïe. I can relate; I hated the school I went to in eighth grade. It never got a bomb threat, or random creepy person (that I know of), or had everyone go stand outside in unforgiving weather, at least while I was there, but the general description sounds exactly the same. Particularly of the student body. :annoyed2:


My sympathies...

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