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Of Bunnies And Clutches

Lady Kopaka


(Drivers ED in 3 days!)


Yeah, last night dad let me practice again with the truck on driving, and after the millionth try we discovered it had been in like...third gear and so I couldn't start it. >> So we moved it to 1st and I finally got the bloody truck moving, and then half way down the road a bunny came running across and I made the truck go into a jerking stop by accident, and then we were all silent for a real long time, and dad finally said:


"Great going, I think you killed the bunny."


...Poor bunny. :(




Ok but really, I think the bunny was fine. Really. But for the next few hours my brother and dad could not stop poking fun at me.


So then today, dad took me out again to practice, and it was pretty fun, save for the fact that it was super hot and my dad’s truck has no air-conditioning. And it's a pretty big truck. So I feel so small in it. '-' I had to like stretch my legs out, so my feet kind of hurt.

Personally, driving a Manual/Stick shift is kind of fun, but the stick/clutch is sooo hard to use, you have to hold it down before starting, then hold it down to switch gears, and then hold it to move, and hold it to stop...And then I had the hardest time switching…


How I hate you so clutch. D:<


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Oh yes, the clutch is murder.


And in regards to your bunny, my DE instructor says the following:


"If you see an animal running in front of you, just HIT IT. Don't swerve. Your life's more important than any animal's."



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how dare you!

well i'v killed a rabit too....

poor thing, shot it with a bb gun (i didn't plan on killing it) it went under the skin in the back of its neck, i had to watch it run in a circle on its side :( i ran away so i didnt have to watch it suffer. i did the same thing to a bird sadly(another accident), no matter how many times i shot it it wouldn't die(i wanted to put it out of its misery). :(

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Heh, to be honest, I would've done what Gravitan's teacher said and kept going. :P


Then again, I've never driven a vehicle in my life. Good luck with the clutch, though.

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My friend had the exact same thing happen to her, only with a squirrel playing the part of the bunny and her cousin that of the brother.



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My sister ran into a bird her first time driving.


The wings flew off and past the car.


It was extremely sad and somewhat cool at the same time. O_o




I have yet to drive my dad's bug (the only car we own with a stick), so I haven't had to face the fury of the clutch.





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I started learning to drive a while ago, but when I was parking in an empty parking-lot, my dad, just to let me know what it would've been like, said "BOOM!!! You just crashed into three cars."


I kinda lost confidence after that. :P I'll just have other people drive me for the rest of my life.

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I have yet to drive my dad's bug (the only car we own with a stick), so I haven't had to face the fury of the clutch.


They haven't taught me to use the clutch yet...


You two are lucky! D: My dad is making me learn with stick before even touching an automatic...but then again, I kind of like it, as I am a southern and all...and driving his truck makes me feel so country and tough. :P

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