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Mdgf To The Max!



Suger rush= good.


As you may (not) have noticed, I haven't really been on lately. This is due to the obscene amount of homework from my school. Homework= not good.


Also, I have a football game today for my high school. We (our football team) are ranked the highest in northern California division 2. My guess is that that's pretty good, but I have no clue. Sports are very over rated here, anyway...


EDITZ: That has to have been the greatest football game in a long time! It started off as any other game would; brightly lit field, (A new one, at that) Tightly packed home side, visitor side somewhat lacking, we were behind in the first half of the game, trying to search randomly for friends to sit with. But only after the half time did things get really good. Earlier in the night, I had been hoping that it would rain. Why? Because I like rain. :P I got my wish. It rained... a lot. And a couple of my friends and I spent around ten minutes just running around in the rain. Fun stuff. And after that, the power to the entire stadium went out. =D It was awesome x 12!!! And then I got free hot chocolate from the visitor side snack shack for free. And after fifteen minutes of listening to the announcer box's disarray, the power returned. And then we won.


Last night was coated in epic win and awesome. =D


Oh, and has anyone here tried the new Mountain Dew Game Fuel? And, if so, what is your opinion on it?

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The game fuel tastes weird (like my taste buds were like "What in the world? This is unnatural. Where in Kahzrani (sp?) is my root beer? I demand root beer! And maybe some water. I'm thirsty from drink this."). I'd like mine old fashioned mountain dew.

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