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Very interesting, did you make that? If you did, will you make other members of the band too? If yes to both previous questions, can I make the drummer and his set?

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Yeah, I made it. I'm working on a band. Haven't thought of a name yet, though.


I'm actually working on a drummer right now, but, sure, make a drummer if you want.


If I like it and have the parts to build it, I'll use your design, if that's okay with you.


EDIT: Make the drummer Mctoran sized, since he's a midget.




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Chest needs fixing...That ruru doesn't seem to work very well.

I'm not really sure what else to say...I'm kinda in the middle....I like it a bit, but then I don't.

Although the band idea sounds neet. I shall be checking your blog.


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I don't have any Mctoran, but I will make it small. I have no problem with you using my design if you like it. I'm a drummer for a band, and as you know, I'm really tall, so making a midget drummer will be interesting. I'm going to make him a $6,000 Pearl 15 piece set (if ya know what I mean ^_^ ) :P .

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I had been contemplating trying something like this myself, but with a more... Hmm... Korn feel, mixed with System of a Down and Slipknot... I like your design, the only problem I see is the feet... They seem really out of proportion with the rest of it... Other than that, I like it. Great work, and I look forward to the rest...

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I like it, but I can't figure out, is that a male, or female? :???:



Bigger feet please :\


other than that awesome

I don't have any good yellow parts for the feet. And besides, I like the design.




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Yeah, I know it's a bit small, but if it were any bigger some of the drums would be outside his reach. It actually looks pretty good, just not in that pic.


And, yeah, I'll post a pic of your drummer design. Right now.




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