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Ruby Gloom



Okay, so my schedule sucks. A lot. I doubt I will ever be able to actually commit to it.

yeah, I have issues with commitment.


But nevertheless, I am here again, and will HOPEFULLY hit every update this week (Hah, fat chance, Janman)







I love this show, I don't care if it's for kids, I adore it in every way that is humanly possible. I love it the way a man is supposed to love a children's TV show--exhuberantly.


For those of you not in the know, Ruby Gloom is a children's TV show made by the Canadian-based Nelvana.inc company(which in turn is owned by CORUS entertainment) which dreals with the title character, Ruby Gloom, the Happiest girl in the world (Seriously, I want to be this happy, she's awesome)


Ah heck, to make it easier I'll steal a synopsis:

In a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Gloomsville lives Ruby Gloom and her off-beat circle of friends. Some kids might be afraid of the dark, the eccentric neighbours and the unknown things that dwell in the closet. But Ruby is different – she befriends these strange and sometimes scary creatures. In fact Ruby finds them all delightful. She pays no attention to their unusual appearances, perceptive only to their hearts and souls. Ruby is the happiest girl in the world, always trying to be cheerful in the face of gloom! Ruby's perfect day is a gloomy one, full of creativity and adventure with her offbeat circle of friends. Ruby Gloom is an ironic comedy with an emphasis on the importance of friendship.




I first stumbled across this strange and hilarious show whilst killing an hour before work. Flipping around the channels I caught it about halfway through and was amazed at the way they turned predictable cliche's into unpredictable--and comedic situations. There were also many references that it was quite obvious were not put there for kids, one of my favourites being from Poe: "If the button fits, you must acquit."


Hearing that from a kid's TV show made me burst out laughing--and even the ending credits had their own quirky charm.


Dissapointed in not knowing the name of this show, I did some research and of course found out that the incredibly adorable masthead character shared her name with the show, and thus my love was born.


But enough about that, let's the dramatis personae in this wonderful and quirky saga.








As I said before, this is the series' adorable masthead figure(ine?) and also the self-described Happiest Girl in the world. Her catchphrase (which isn't used to an infuriating degree!) is "Always look on the bright side, unless the dark side is your bright side--and that's okay too!"


I love this girl, she rocks <3








Okay, first off: If your heart does not melt hearing the name "Doom kitty" You are dead to me. Seriously, get out of this blog.


ANYHOW, Doom Kitty is a ridiculously intelligent and just plain cute cat (or rather, kitty.) Unfortunately, being not magical she cannot talk! (YAY) and thus must speak in awesomely adorable (The words "Cute" and "adorable" are going to be used a lot in this entry. Deal with it.) pantomime.


Unfortunately, most people can't understand this either and Doom Kitty is left on her own until Ruby pieces together what exactly it is that she wants. <3 you, Doom Kitty.







Boo Boo is a ghost who has utterly failed in every way inhumanly possible. Imagine he was one of the Ghostly Trio from Casper---except that he couldn't scare anyone, ever, period.


See, he was invisible until he made his first scare--unfortunately he couldn't scare anyone! So he accidentally got covered in flour and scared...well, Scaredy Bat. The most easily frightened thing that has ever lived. Thus Boo dedicated his life to scaring Scaredy as many times as is ghostly possible.


He kinda fails at everything else anyhow. So good on you, Boo Boo.







Scaredy Bat is in a rather parasetic relationship with Boo Boo. Boo Boo terrifies Scaredy, Scaredy gets scared, Boo Boo enjoys said fright and continues the process as many times as he can in a day.


My favourite moment between the two was in the first episode I ever saw, wherein they confiscated Boo Boo's notebook on what he'd been doing. It was as follows:

10:00 - Scared Scaredy in the bathroom

10:05 - Scared Scaredy in the Shower

10:07 - Scared Scaredy in the bathroom mirror

10:10 - Scared Scaredy in the bathroom again


And so on. It made me giggle.








Frank and Len are brothers--brothers in the same body, obviously, but brother's nonetheless. Frank is the smarter of the two--or is it Len? Nah, I think Len's the 'hipper' of the two.


Anyhow, these two brothers make up their own band, and in one episode put on a rock-opera--which wasn't really a rock-opera, but I digress. Frank and Len are some pretty funny characters, and little things like the way their clothes are always different from one another are pretty cool.


Also, Len looks like he's needs more sleep. Desperately







Iris is an interesting character. Hyper as all get-out and an absolute daredevil she'll do anything she can to get an adrenaline rush. This includes jumping on a trampoline on a high branch of a tree. Then grabbing an even higher branch and spinning around it madly.


Of course this means that Ruby occasionally has to bail her out, so she doesn't, y'know, die.


She's kinda crazy, really. But in a good way.







Poe is an intellectual who likes to think he's better than everyone else in the mansion. Naturally he's often smacked down and told (read: forced) to be polite. Ruby also discovers his secret, and sensitive side in one episode--his response?

"Tell anyone and I'll deny everything"


He also has two brothers, Edgar and Allen.







Yes, Mr. Buns looks both cute and creepy, yes it is possible. That's also his general character--Mr. Buns was made by Ruby out of old socks in a very involved procedure that involved a blowtorch, a hammer, scissors, glue gun, and I don't even know what else. He's also apparently alive--HE STOLE HER BUNS.


Ruby Loves Mr. Buns, though I'm unsure if this is because he's controlling her brain, really, he's kinda spooky at times. I love him though <3







Skullboy is awesome, I'm also fairly sure he and Ruby have a crush on each other. Everyone repeat after me.




Wonderful. Anyhow, Skullboy is a jack of a all trades, and is always trying to do something new, from private investigator to mad scientist to...well, I don't really know.


But I do know he made himself a robot dad!


Man, that was a weird episode.







Misery is my favourite character ever. Ever. EVER.


She's aptly named, everything bad in the world happens to her, consistantly. In fact I believe she was once struck by lightning twice.


She has a song written about her by Frank and Len, a freaking awesome song (As if there was any doubt) But the best thing? Even though she looks miserable, and even though all of this bad stuff always happens to her she doesn't let it get to her, she's actually quite happy. If anything bad happens to her she just gives off a resigned "Ow" and keeps trudging on.


<3 Misery <3


Go check it yourself



Coming Soon: BIONICLE: Judgement (2003-2005)

On Shivaree

BIONICLE: Judgement (2006)

Triad: Gundam SEED Destiny AU


BIONICLE: Judgement (2007)


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I feel like I've seen this somewhere before, but I can't place it... I think it was something I saw on vacation... Still, I must say on an unrelated note that Ruby is just plain cute. the little dance, everything... :lovesign:



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Yeah, thanks so much, janman, for bringing to my attention how horribly inferior television is here in the USA. : (


I need to find a way to get my hands on some full episodes of this. This is quality stuff.

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