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Descriptions Of Awesomeness



The last week of Sept (whenever it was...) was my school's spirit week, before Homecoming. It was awesome! Basically what we do is have crazy dress up days. This year's higlights:


Wacky Tacky Day: Dress in wacky, tacky clothes and just be crazy! This year I wore long underwear, shorts, boots, striped polo shirt, plaid button down shirt open, black costume gloves, bike gloves, sunglasses, and a bike helmet.

I. Am. The. King.

And some of my friends are queens. The girls can go crazy with tutus and 5 skirts and pants and shirts and tank tops and beads and tons of colorful stuff. (I just don't have the resources to do that, but I'd do it because the crazier the better)

In the past I've worn my jeans inside out (along with other things), and I've used my hiking backpack for the day.

What fun!


We also have Decades Day. Freshmen get 50's working up to Seniors getting 80's. (But this year the Frosh got 90's. Don't know why) I wore my Autobots shirt! (I was going to wear my Star Wars shirt like I did last year for the 70's but then I got the Autobots shirt)


Spirit week was amazing. Although it was over a week ago, I just had to tell you all about it and finally got the chance.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Sticks and stones will break our bones, but a fifty foot fall will kill ya!


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I never got 90's day. I mean, wouldn't I essentially just wear what I normally would? My favorite was always when they had the "dress up like the future!" day. Which turned into girls all using tinfoil as clothing. That and lot's of black. Black and tinfoil.


Guy's tended to not care. Since they figured in the future most of what we wore now would be back in style.

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Yeah, that's why the 90's theme didn't make sense. And for Freshmen! The group that is least likely to dress up at all, here they are being told not to dress up!

50's was fun. I remember I wore a white shirt and rolled up a deck of cards in my sleeve.


Future day, hmm...



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