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Ways To Describe The Pit.

Lady Kopaka


If one would like to know how it feels to go into the pit, just head over to the Driver ED classes I'm taking.


4 long, dreadful, hours in a freezing bland room with no one to talk to and getting distracted or bugged by a bunch of dummies in the room. Reading like a gazillion pages out of our Drivers book, a review test, a pop quiz...


I did die. D:


I have a lot of studying to do...I have two tests/quizzes on Thursday that I MUST pass or I fail drivers. So I'm kind of freaking out, and it's a lot of technical information. This is going to take out a lot of time from life. Thanks for being optimistic in the past entry guys…But Drivers is not going to be a walk in the park.


And like, life was already busy at it is.




So I'm probably not entering AC14. :(



Yeah I love my life.


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So I'm probably not entering AC14. :(




Say it isn't so dear sister!!! Say it isn't so!!

*dramatically falls to the floor*

You can't give in!!! you Can WIN!!!!

it's so much easier then they want to make it seem! you are so much smarter then all those who wish to distract you!!!

Drivers ed is..

Common sense + Safety + Car + road= Safe driving/(divided by) All the stupid drivers in the world = X



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Ugh... Driver's Ed. was no fun for me, either. But it was a part of my school curriculum, so I didn't have to take extra time out fo my day for it. I can see how for you this makes it all the more frustrating. :wacko:


But don't give up hope, I'm sure it will be worth the time you put into it. And missing one AC isn't so bad, so don't start kicking yourself if you end up finding you haven't the time. (Really, I should stop kicking myself for missing AC13. I suppose it wasn't so bad.)


You're in my prayers, Lady K. Stay strong, and remain hopeful. :)

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Sounds like Necro's brothers drivers ed, but it was a local thing. Anyway, Necro's brother said Necro's was like that for the first few weeks. Then they let Necro's brother get behind the wheel for hands-on.


In short: Necro is trying to tell Lady K to hold out! Lady K should get to drive soon. :)


NOOOOO!!! *uses defribulator* :P


*lols at Ranna's math* Brilliant!


Again, NOOOOO!!! Necro will miss Lady K's entry.


Necro is beginning to hate using third person. Please post the link?

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I'm taking Driver's Ed this year, I hope it doesn't go that bad for me next semester, but I'm taking it through school, I'll pray for you Milady.

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