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My School Just Got Something Cool..



My School Rocks.

Soon, we will be able to have LAPTOPS with WIRELESS INTERNET. That means BZP at school...even more. And it has cool stuff like Photobooth.. but what sucks is we can't use iTunes..


We got to play around with them today...Photobooth ROCKS. I was able to get an emberrasing picture of one of my friends.. XD Too bad the internet was down... But when they're up, i can just go on BZP when the teacher is reading some boring story, then i will rant about it here, and the teacher will say "lol thats a bad site!!!!proto!!!"


And today i sued "REJECTED" at least 10 times, and SALUTE THE REVOLUTION at least 5. And i was pretending my lacrosse stick was a keyblade, turned out to help my team win in PE. And i used it like a 1st Person Shooter game, didn't turn out so well.


Then we had to solve a mystery about some old disease... blah


But the BEST part of the day was the laptops.. I can NOT wait to using them.


And it can run Windows XP... :D SO i can try to make music videos and stuff.


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