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Bionicle: Judgement (introduction)



YES. UPDATE TWO IS SEMI-ON TIME. I still have half-an-hour my by clock. Hush.


I've also decided to split this group up more than I'd anticipated. This marks the Introduction to BIONICLE: Judgement, 2004 and 2005 will be covered in subsequent entries.


Not much preamble this time. In fact this is it, once this sentence ends the preamble ends. Period.


BIONICLE: Judgement

A Reimagining


For those of you wondering, BIONICLE: Judgement is the current name of my long-standing alternaverse--or AU. An Alternate Universe (AU) as most of you know is your own private story wherein you essentially do what you want.


You can design them around paticular ideas, rules, or plans--and can break them at any time, that's half the fun about AU's. However with BIONICLE: Judgement I set out with very specific ideas and rules. They are as follows



  • BIONICLE: Judgement is not a rewrite of the story, rather it is a replacement of certain portions. Others are kept in their entirety, for example 2001 and 2002 are untouched by the events of BIONICLE: Judgement--or rather their direct stories are not effected
  • BIONICLE: Judgement is my personal playground, most of my stories are incubated in here for a while before being shot into another universe, or my own original stories.

    BIONICLE:Judgement is all about taking the story in the directions I want it to go without altering it too heavily, as such we enter DA RULES.

  • RULE THE FIRST: Canon characters cannot be deleted, omitted, or removed for any reason. Natural deaths may occur but the character must be established

    ADDENDUM: This is only in place if the character has not been killed off in previous story and has only recently returned in the Official Universe.

EXAMPLE: I cannot decide that "Botar" is a stupid name and remove the entire character from the story. I can however kill him off--the addendum to this is if Botar takes a large role in 2008 and he's already killed in BIONICLE: Judgement. I will not resurrect him.

  • RULE THE SECOND: Settings must stay the same for every year they take place in.

EXAMPLE: I cannot be working with Mahri Nui in 2004--I can have events HAPPEN in Mahri Nui in 2004, however they will not be expounded upon until 2007.

  • RULE THE THIRD: Character personalities are fair game, changing things such as motivations and names are perfectly acceptable so long as the end character bears resemblance to the original

    ADDENDUM: Original Characters can be made, so long as their 'base' element is one of the canon stories.

EXAMPLE: I cannot have Pridak be motivated by a burning love of Carapar, and also have him control an army of fluffy teddy-bear sharks. It just doesn't work that way.--The Addendum to this is that I can create 'original' characters out of canon characters: Essentially what I've done with the Inika who are no longer the 01 Matoran but are my own original characters.

  • RULE THE FOURTH: Significant portions of story can be changed so long as all existing characters and backdrops are kept.
EXAMPLE: Takanuva no longer being Takua, that's a rather significant portion of the story (Considering it got a movie about just that) however I had to keep all the characters and the backdrops--IE: Mata Nui, Ta-Koro, Ga-Koro, etc.

  • RULE THE FIFTH: All deaths are final, none of this comic book stuff with me.
EXAMPLE: Takua dies in 2003. He does not return. Ever.



And now with that stuff out of the way, let's move on to 'altered' character profiles through the years. Please note that none of this is finalized, and is certainly not in final written format, as such I will only be giving brief outlines of each section of story. The character profiles will also avoid giving out spoilers--those will be given out in the outline quite readily.



Altered characters List:

  • Takanuva

Real/Original Name: Takanuva

Storyline: Takanuva is the previously nameless Toa of light. Cursed by the master of shadows to an eternal sleep in a near-death state he remains trapped his his tomb at the Kini-nui

Story Outline:


The first half of 2003 passes in the exact same way, the Kal steal Nuva symbols, Nuva gain them back and Tra-la-la-la, we go on our merry way. The big difference in this comes in the latter half of 2003--once again it's virtually the same but then we hit Mask of Light.


While the discovery and quest for the Mask are virtually identical there's a few key differences:

1. Tahu manages to take on multiple Toa and in the end is incapacitated for the final confrontation with the Rahkshi--why? Because four Toa just layed the smackdown on him, that's what happens when you have a rageful fire Toa setting fire to everything.


2. Jaller is critically injured during the quest and is forced to stay with Pewku at a critical part of the journey--little does he know that this saves his life.


3. As I'm sure you already realize Takua isn't Takanuva--this is the third big variation. At the final part of the journey they arrive at the same place, the Kini-nui...surrounded by all six Rahkshi. Definately a bad place to be.


However the big difference is that a CAVERN is revealed by the light of the Mask, Takua leaves Jaller and Pewku (See above) and journeys down the passage by his lonesome, Rahkshi in hot pursuit. At the end there's an inscription about sacrifice--I haven't worked out exactly what it says at this time and Takua desperately pushes his hands against the stone the inscription is written on (it's a dead end, by the way)--and unknowingly fulfills the inscription. The wall drains his energy and channels it to the near-dead Toa of Light revitalizing him and allowing to break free from his tomb.


Asking the dying Matoran his name the Toa takes on the prefix Tak in honor of the hero who rescued him. He then proceeds to go lay the royal smackdown on Makuta.


And there you have it, the beginning of BIONICLE: Judgement--sure it doesn't seem much different, but this is the humble beginnings of something that has blossomed far beyond my expectations.


Feel free to leave any feedback you like, good, bad, or ambivalent. I'm always interested in people's thoughts.


Additionally, I will try and get the other BIONICLE: Judgement entries up when I'm not sleep deprived, and thus make sure that they're more coherent.


Coming Soon: BIONICLE: Judgement (2004-2005)

Triad: Gundam SEED Destiny AU

BIONICLE: Judgement (2006)


BIONICLE: Judgement (2007)


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Asking the dying Matoran his name the Toa takes on the prefix Tak in honor of the hero who rescued him. He then proceeds to go lay the royal smackdown on Makuta.
I dearly hope you changed the ridiculous Kohlii match they play.
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*Personal Opinion* I think it would be better of Takua willing sacrifices himself. :P


Anyway, yeah, that sounds like an excelent idea, and certainly would've been more logical in some ways. The Jaller revitalization thing is knocked out of the way, and it would make a fitting end to Takua. I mean, he was against the journey at first, so to leave Jaller and Pewku he shows courage to finish what he knows is his quest. And, yes, I thought it would've been better if Takanuva hadn't just been a transformed Takua (especially because there was this secrecy about who Takanuva was in summer 03 that became lame when the name was such a giveaway). And the way Takanuva chooses his name... yes, I really like that part.


So this is kinda like a watered down version of a story. Cool, I'll have to check up when you add more updates. :)



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