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Home School Is Out!

Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice


I finaly have goten done with my home schooling, its weird... but great to be done.


One funny thing I have noticed about seasons is that when you are in one you can't remember exactly what the one in 6 months feels like, anyways, same thing with school, now that its out I can't remember what it feels like. :blink:





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Lol, I know what you mean KToI. :D When I finished my homeschooling, I could barely believe that I was actually able to sleep in till 10:00 in the morning. =D


Yeah, so...yeah. :P And stuff. :P

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I just finished up about yesterdayish, which was really odd. I keep on thinking "Okay, now we start history! Now we start math! Now we . . . sleep. Okay. I'm gonna go play Oblivion and draw stuff, ke? Then I'll go work on geometry because I can." *picks up Euclid's Elements and glares at people*


Of course, since I'm vaugely unschooled, it feels pretty much the same. And since I'm busy to an ungodly degree this month, it really doesn't matter. Yeah. Practice for the play every single day from here on in! (Which is basically why we ended.)

And it was an incredibly unofficial ending and I'm not quite sure if it actually did end.


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Yeah, you kinda get braindead during school, so when you don't have any to do you're like: "What do I do now?" :drooling: j/k


Don't worry, I have complete confidence in your ability to adjust to having fun. ;)


I finish school on the 9th of this month, so I'm almost done! :happydance:


~ :a: ~

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