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A Stolen Quizzzzz

Little Miss Krahka


FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR (things you can't live without)


Something important on your desk: A birthday card from my Aunt and Uncle, wishing me a happy 18th birthday. Reminding me that I'll be able to vote in next election. And giving me no money. Not a single buck. BAH!

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: Y'know how they're coming out with a Revan action figure? I'd buy, like eighty of those. And I'd buy all the stuff needed to customize each and every one of them to look like the various player faces that they could use. And I'd display the ones that I have used myself most prominantly, but I'd give all of 'em some lovin'.

When you sleep you wear: The clothing I was wearing during the day. Sometimes I'll take off my jacket. Sometimes I don't. Depends upon whether or not I remember.

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: My bag. With alla my junk. Which would probably count for like, fifty things. Since it's got my sketchbooks, my notebooks, my laptop, my favorite books, my journal, my pencils, my mp3 player with all my music and lots of my data too, my Gameboy DS with an awesome skin, my driver's licsense, my lipsticks, basically everything. So I'd take that. It contains everything I need to live. Nothing else is really needed.





If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: A great many vices, honestly.





Three traits you look for in a friend: Roleplays often and well. Shares common interests with me. Doesn't whine. In decending order of importance. Yeah, pretty much all of my good friends these days are my RP friends. Which makes my life happy.





Emotion you hide most: Almost all of them. They're none of people's business.

The emotion you tend to experience most: A feeling of EPIC LULZ.

When you are angry you need: To be alone.





If you had no commitments what would you be doing: Learning absolutely everything. Ever.



NOTE: There were other questions, but none of them were filled out. Eh.



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