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More Stuff And Rants...



Well, today... or rather yesterday, seeing as it is now past midnight... my -far- older half-brother visited. My dad sorely needed a face other than mine. Allow me to ellaborate.


My dad and I almost always get into debates of philosophy and life, him saying that his 60+ years on me mean he is far wiser on the subject of life. I say that I have a unique lifestyle (if I have any life yet), and that his so-called wisdom cannot remedy my predicament. *sigh* It is really hard, being the only person in my household that stays at home almost 24/7 and takes care of my dad. My mom must work, otherwise we go kerplunk, and my dad, who has severe Parkinson's disese, a mysterious leg pain that has troubled him for almost a year now, a huge ego and seeming abandon of others, cannot do anything other than stay in bed. He is unpredictable, paranoid at times and violent when he gets without his needed medications (which he has too much of already [his liver is already showing signs of failure due to poison from the drugs]). Obviously, I have been changed radically in my views during the last several years, as there is only so much a teenager kid can take, let alone with the turbulent predicaments I am always am in.


I could indeed say much, much more, but not now. I will, however, say that BZPower is not just a site to me, but rather a place where I can call othetrs my friends. Sadly, BZP is one of the few places I can say take my mind off my life, and I am totaly devoted towards BZP because of this. If any of you ever wondered why I stay on BZP despite my seeming uninterest in MOCing and writings, that is because I am here because of the community, not just Bionicle. Well, that says alot about why I made the Communication and Communion essay entry, lol.


Before I break my heart in disgust, I will continue with more pleasant topics. :P



Later today... yesterday *ahem*... we, Mom and I, went to Roseburg a distance away for me to ge to a pizza party with some other real-life-person-to-person friends from Boy Scouts and the now disbanded homeschooler's co-op. I had two slices of Hawaiian and a pepperoni slice. Yum. Unhealthy, but yummy nonetheless.


And that wraps yesterday up. Yeah...



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Sorry about you Dad (and life), but I know your faith will lead you through it- you're in my prayers.


Pizza is unhealthy?! I'm going to die soon, then...


AvohiiLight: MAN

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