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The 2008 Sets





and thats all I'm going to say about that (at least until we are allowed to)


EDIT: Now with twice the judgement


Im just going to go ahead and use spoiler tags for all of this, in case no one even wants to have the new sets vividly described to them


First of all, lets just look at the sets

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I like these sets. Well all except maybe Kopaka, probably because the only weapon I see on him is one of those guns. I really dont like the guns, why do they seem to get bigger each year? I'm also not a huge fan of the whole jet pack flying gimmick either, but it's different and could work. I wasn't really surprised when they showed up with 3 good and 3 bad, kinda been expecting that to happen for a while. I like the baddy sets more then the good ones actually, they look good. The new matoran sets looks good as well, we've got knees now and no tacked on gun things. I would say my favorite set it the Toa Moli, with him (her?it?) the gun actually works. I'm really going to miss cans though...you just cant make a good tower without them


And now for the story bits


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I hate these sets. Well ok I hate 3/13ths of these new sets. the rumor flying around is the baddies are all brotherhood members, so that should be interesting, plus I always like a good evil matoran. But on the Toa....did they just already have the sets and slap the name Nuva on them just to make us old fans happy? I'm a little confused, I thought it was said the Toa Nuva wouldn't transform again, meaning that if they changed at all it could only be some new masks and armor or something. No amount of new armor is going to completely change the shapes of their bodies. I mean Pohatu is even right side up now. You cant say that the Nuva have not been transformed. I guess I would just like one thing on these sets that said "hey we are still the Nuva" they did a good job of that for changing the Mata into the Nuva, you could do it again


I guess thats enough judging for now, at least till we see more.



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