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Neo Shifters: Fun Or Fraud?

The Fallen Amph



Recently, I purchased a set from the MEGA BLOCKS line at my local Wal~Mart, after being convinced by a friend, called NEO Shifters. A line that mimics BIONICLE and Transformers, but has their own unique qualities. This one that I purchased, is called BLAZE :: REX. This is a set that comes with a small "minifigure-like" transforming robot, and a large, what I call, "Transformer" bot. But are these fun new toys, or a line that just "bootlegs" our favorite LEGO line?


To me, these sets are more "Transformer-like" in appearance, but they still have similer BIONICLE-like parts. Like tubes and O pegs. They look more evil and robotic than BIONICLE sets, more to Transformers. Which make them moderately unique.
But there is one thing that MEGA BLOCKs most likely got from BIONICLE: Masks. These robots have masks, covering their "light" faces.


Does the word "Bohrok" come to mind? Like Transformers and Bohrok, these robots can transform into sphere-like forms. Their guns can also be shot while in this form too. But you sort of have to bend the peices a bit to make fold all the way.

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And to disassemble it, there is a button that makes the "wings" unfold.


This brought back memories of the Lesovikk recall. Apparently all of these sets are missing a very important part. It is a special rubberband that keeps the wings from flapping out of control. This is a BIG downside of this figure.


Well, I hope you enjoyed the Pros and Cons of NEO Shifters and their relitivness to other toy lines. Bye!

~AMP :)


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