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Update On Life And Stuff

Lady Kopaka


Got 86% on my Drivers ED test I did today, I was one of the four out of the 13 in the class that got above an 80. Yay me.


Bought a bunch new colored pencils that actually do me some good.


AC14 entry is coming along very nicely, got it half inked. (Yes I know I need to hurry)


Went to the dentist today, my gums are all swollen and bleeding. :( I hate braces...


Waiting for Necro to get that $50 tablet, so he can review it for me. And then I can decide whether or not I should get it or find another.


I had a huge vault today, so I wont be surprised if I'll be staring at the ceiling half the night. :[


My rating in my profile keeps jumping around, not that I really do care now, but you guys can't decide if I should have 4 or 5 stars? :P




And so ends my wonderful news report. =3


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Does it make you nervious that less than a third of your driver's class passed the 80% mark? These people will be eventually behind a wheel, and they're struggling to remember all the rules... :o On the other hand, I only got an 80% myself...


And yes, braces are horrible.



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Woo! Nice score. ^^


Wish I had some. sketching out a real-life draft version of my entry killed my red pencil. >< Yes, I'll be entering this time. ^^


Don't we all. It hurts the first few days. Take some Advil, lie in bed, and let the tooth adjusting happen while your napping. That way the pain of the teeth moving happens while you can't feel it. It worked for me until I got mine off. :)


Hasn't arrived yet, hoping it will soon, but, in paranoia, I've decided to make a backup of my entry in GIMP. it's about 1/4 done right now. Good luck in hand-drawn Lady K, and wish me luck in computer aided. ^^


Vault? Whats that? As in a money vault?


I gave ye 5. ^^



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I'm so vary happy you are doing well in DE :happydance:


braces... I'm waiting to get those, but I need my wisdom teeth pulled first (they are growing horizontal) >_<


Hurray for art!!!

I just finished my entry so I'm now scanning it into the computer I'm so nervous :fear:


Well I hope everything turns out ok!







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Ouch, wisdom teeth and braces. Mine haven't grown in yet, hoping they do so in a manner so they're not a problem to avoid removal's pain.


Ugh, the GIMP sketch looked good, but died on the colouring. >< Being unwilling to take another 1 and 1/2 hours on a new Jaller(Hadn't saved with the sketch completed before colouring,), Lady K, you and I both are begging UPS to ship that tablet faster.


*Checks Ranna's post and hugs Ranna and Lady K in a fashion similar to the one used for the group hug in entry "Snork...Snarggle...Blargh..."* AC14 deadlines, tablet shipping dates, braces, Necro isn't hugging Lady K just to try to make her feel better, he needs it too...stomach...growling...head...pounding...blood from Lady K's bleeding gums...running down arm...Must stop using self-narration and third person out of fear...

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*Checks Ranna's post and hugs Ranna and Lady K in a fashion similar to the one used for the group hug in entry "Snork...Snarggle...Blargh..."* AC14 deadlines, tablet shipping dates, braces, Necro isn't hugging Lady K for her sake anymore, he needs it too...stomach...growling...head...pounding...blood from Lady K's bleeding gums...running down arm...Must stop using self-narration and third person out of fear...



what does that mean?

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o-o Wow, that part of the post sounds a lot weirder out loud than it did when I was typing this. What I meant by it was that, unlike last time where I was trying to help Lady K feel better, I needs it too(It=the hug). Editing.


*Sighs* Apparently I won't be entering in AC #14. I didn't know there were prizes, and my mom forced me to put in a fake address, and she'll kill me if I put in a real one or didn't tell her and a package containing four infected Hau Nuva and an old set showed up on our doorstep. In short, Because of the prizes, I won't be entering. :(

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I've been rating you as five, and I hate braces. I just got mine off almost a year ago, great to get them off, I hope for the best for you Milady.

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I hate braces too. My dentist took my wires out and added springs on them. Now it's even more painful.
I can't wait to see your entry.

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