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...Maj wouldn't make a difference. We'd still have to wait for them to go public.


Heh. I'll be waitin' for these, Roa. I hope you took plenty o' pics of that Mechagodzilla - I want a good look at that. ;)

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Correction: The Omicron Weekend owns all the other MOCs there.


KeithLUGgingly yours,




Edit: Roa? Is that my MOC with the... trophy???

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Woah... I can see you made some huge improvements to your Suvika! They're way better now. That Mecha Godzilla is incredible. Who made that huge Bionicle MOC that won the prize for the best huge Bionicle of Brickcon 07? And is the guy in this picture (the guy in the light gray shirt and blue jeans)... Tom Rolfe? Probably not.


Oh, and this tops all by far... almost all.


Don't have time for a full review now, but later I will.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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His name is Connor, or Kopakanui on BZP. I excluded myself from the award giving for obvious reasons, being the theme coordinator and all. And yes Arpy, your bugblatter beast of traal won a trophy for best small bionicle. If only OMI WOULD PUT UP THE NEWS REPORT I SENT HIM...................

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Did I win anything? Or do you only win stuff if you're there?





Sadly, yours didn't win a trophy, but it was an awesome moc none the less. Three people who won trophies weren't present at the awards time. The only real problem I had with your moc was its stability, and the parts on its knees kept falling off. Other than that, it got good review from the lego fans. they liked its gun.


I'm sending the boxes back this week.

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His name is Connor, or Kopakanui on BZP. I excluded myself from the award giving for obvious reasons, being the theme coordinator and all. And yes Arpy, your bugblatter beast of traal won a trophy for best small bionicle. If only OMI WOULD PUT UP THE NEWS REPORT I SENT HIM...................

Oh. Well, he looks like the guy I met, who is an amazing Lego System MOCer. I have only seen one of his MOCs, but he's told me about some of the other things he made. And I thought he told me something about going to Brickfest or Brickcon or something.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Great pics Roa, thanks for allowing me to get a little taste of the grand event. Lots of stunning lego works there, I would have loved to go.

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Mhh, I'm gonna assume mine didn't win cuz of the stability issues. Oh well, building it was fun, and that's what it's all about. :) Happy faces everyone.


I highly suggest throwing all those rubberbands in the garbage as soon as your moc gets home. They make it look bad, and honestly, I think they make it less stable. Add parts to the mocs to make it more stable instead of rubberbands.

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I would also like to thank Levahklah for donating that wonderful poster that didn't make it to brickfest. It made its grand appearance at brickcon, and people liked it! :)

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How might you reccomend I add stability? I don't have any of those piston things, so that's one option gone....



Buy a set with leg pistons. All the titans have them these days. $20 really isn't that much, and, if you get maxilos and spinax, you get four of them :)


I would also suggest adding in those rubberized joints that come with titan sets, instead of using regular all plastic sockets. they are stiffer.

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I order you to calm down next time you take pics, Roa. ;) Take more time, take less blur.


Not that I have any authority here...



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