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My Jaw Meets Someone's Fist, And More Good News!



JL: My friend

FN: My Friend

JC: Guy that punches me

NC: Guy I thought hustled my friends


Well, judging from the title, you should know... I got a heck of a punch to the face. But... here's the story behind it.


A couple weeks ago, my friend's JL and FN (using initals) were hanging out, and fooling around. FN is a bit childish, and Josh is smart and more mature. Well, needless to say, FN was playing around. He bought a bag of rock candy, and he threw some at a couple cars.


Evenutally, he hit the wrong car.


Two guys named NC and JC came out. There was no damage to the car, but as the hothead he is, JC makes a big deal about it. He threaten them, and if they didn't give 50 bucks by Friday, they were going down(to say in a censored term). Although, JC was talking to JL. He was getting more threatened then FN.


So, FN makes up the cash, and JL was going to deliver it. They didn't show up Thursday, Friday, so to end it, Saturday (which was the October Fest)


JC was nowhere to be found, NC was.


He gave NC the money, and as NC smiled, JL left a warning.


"Smile all you want, but if you threaten me again, and I'll really leave some damage."


NC kept smiling.


Now, this is where I get in he picture.


I was ticked. 50 bucks? For a piece of rock candy to a car the left no damage!


I challenged NC via friend of mine, and he called me out.


Now, I didn't know JC. JL told the story with NC.


I spent the next half hour getting ready. 20 minutes at Railroad St.


An older friend of mine dove me there and told me what to do. Got advice. He's going for my jaw, and my nose, so I gotta get my jaw ready. So I give small punches to my jaw, and learn how to defend myself.


I show up. NC has pipe at hand. His mother is yelling at him for good reason. Cop was rolling by on another street to look quickly. He puts away the pipe, they start accusing me of calling the cops. Cop rolls up the street.


NC's mom starts talking casually to the cop, and in a few minutes of my mouth being shut, he drives away.


I go up to NC, he decides to talk it out before we get into a fight.


JC didn't care.


He started threatening me, taunting me, and I keep my eyes locked with his.


He pulls his arm back. He delivers a punch.


I stagger back two or three steps. Right now, I'm looking at the ground, still on my feet, and simply shake my had to know where I'm at, and look back, on his eyes.


All this time, I thought a punch was high-level pain. All it did was hit my block of a jaw and brought me back. I thought I'd go teary-eyed or something. But I took the pain in.


I'm still quiet. He walks up, talking some more. As he's talking, he takes out his switchblade. In his hands is 25 to Life with his intentions. His family starts yelling at him to put it away. Finally, one of them walks up to make him to it.


The older friend of mine there told me something I'm glad to listened to,"Go!...Go!"


I turn around, and start walking. JC yells to me to give him fifty bucks or I'm going down.


Now, I have my diginity. I ain't giving him a thing.


But what I learned today was that, I can take hard punches. Might rattle my brain, but I'll keep going.


Now, the better News.


We got the apartment we were looking for.


Catch? We need 6000 bucks.


By tomorrow.


Lots of prayers please.




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