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Hom Sweet Hom



Well, I'll be coming back from internship at Discovery Camp in about.. 26 hours ago. Yep, negative one day from now I'll return.

I had a without-a-dout-to-say an AMAZING week.I made a million friends and had a lot of fun. Of course, it was a heck of a lot of work, but it's all about living as a servant. I can honestly say my life was changed. It's unfortunate about BZP's restrictions, because I've got a testimony to share.

So the first camp was a Youth Camp (a teen camp), which meant a PK's Club for all the 12-and-younger-year-olds. My older sister Shelle had ran it for the last two years, but this year it was someone new by the name of Ashley. I had a lot of fun supervising the kids in our lessons about worship, driving in a Go-Cart with a toddler on my lap, wrestling with a bunch of boys in the Miracle Slide pool party, just sitting there while a group of kids rode on horses, and doing two entirely ad-libbed random puppet shows. "Worcestershire Sauce! W stands for Worcestershire Sauce!" "Whatever you do, don't touch the vacuum cleaner!" Even though there were over 1000 teens at that camp, there were only about 20 kids in PK's.

The second camp was a Kid's camp, so no PK's Club because everyone was <12 already. So I worked in Aquatics, which to put bluntly is being a lifeguard's personal servant. The bad thing about the job is you literally get no time off except before breakfast, which for interns is at 7:15. The good thing about the job was that all you did was sit in the pool your entire shift until a lifeguard wanted you to get him some water or Skittles or summat. Or you had the job of spraying kid's feet before they went on the Miracle Slide. Plus after your shift, you had to assist in a ground sweep of the courtyard - picking up trash, sweeping patios, wiping picnic tables, etc. For that camp, I had very busy and hectic schedule.

While in PK's, I had to work Lunch shift in the Blue Jean Cafe. Basically, I had to clean up tables after people were done eating, wipe them, sweep and mop afterwards, basically whatever job they needed me for. I rushed my lunch so I could grab, in my opinion, the best job - cart duty. You grab a cart with three platforms and three bins - trash goes in the top, plates and dinewear go in the middle, and cups and liquids go in the bottom. Plus a spray bottle and rag for wiping tables afterwards. This is a job that you can easily let ruin your day, or you can have fun with it. Me and my intern friend Matthew worked on cart and competed with another cart team for tables. It got to the point where we would steal things from the others' cart to put in our own! That was a day I actually had tons of fun just cleaning.

Whenever we had free time, I would usually be drawing, eating ice cream, reading Prophet by Frank Peretti, or playing spoong, which became the official intern game. Games would get very crowded and very.. aggressive. When it came down to one last spoon, we would hide it somewhere in the cafeteria building, every game getting more and more impossible to find. Once it was hidden in a random camper's pocket (he agreed, of course) but we were indirectly scolded for making too much ruckus around the Info Center.

Because my sister is on staff, I was introduced to a lot of staff that I wouldn't have met in my normal line of work. In particular was Zoe, the diminutive but awesome staffer in charge of sound and media. She burned me a copy of Sound Forge 6.0, to my surprised gratitude, and promised to burn me Acid Pro when I go back next week. Two of the top music and sound programs in the world - totally free! Now that was a blessing.

Of course, there were deeper, more meaningful blessings, but BZP has certain restrictions. Whether I agree with them or not, I do have to respect the fact that the admins legally own this site and have every say what
is or isn't allowed.

I do all this Internship for only 80$ a week! Perhaps I should specify - I pay 80$ a week to work there!
And I believe it's totally worth it.

And on one last note.. I got contacts this morning!!



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Hard work is always worth it. ^^ Sounded like an awesome time, Etcetera. Glad that it was an eventful trip for ya, in the nonmentionable way. :)


Waitasec... are you a PK? If PK is for you what it is for me?


*is a PK herself*



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Looks like you had an absolutely miserable time, eh? :P


Heh, glad you enjoyed yer week. ^^


And contacts > glasses all the way. :happydance:

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