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The '08 Sets~the Big Disappointment



Seems to be the Recent blog topic, but I can't help ranting over these. D:<


POHATU NUVA--Probably the biggest disappointment to me in the '08 sets so far. First things first, he mask is UGLY. Whats with the smooth circular head thing? It's definitely new, and I'm not digging it much. The HUGE weapon thingies are ugly too, way too bulky. His body isn't too bad, The blaster thing on his shoulder is...eh...too bulky again? I guess his body build just doesn't match up with the small soft smooth mask head thing xD


KOPAKA NUVA--Another Major disappointment, because Kopaka is my favorite guy toa (n.n), honestly, his mask isn't that great, it's quite flat, and just not that great looking. Wings? I mean come on..WINGS!? WINGS?! IT DOESN'T WORK. It's totally out of character for Kopaka. :( His body build is mostly okay, His stomach is kinda ugly, plus I really don't like these new blaster things :P


LEWA NUVA--FINALLY! A COOL mask! However, I think it doesn't quite fit Lewa? Anyone else think this? I really like the mask and the style, infact it will be fun to draw, but it just doesn't seem to fit? Don't get me wrong, it works, it just isn't perfect. I like his feet. :D Weapons are again too bulky, but I'm very happy they did something good with the mask. :D


OVERALL--Too Bulky, Annoyed with the weapons, and disappointed in the masks. Nothing like the CLASSIC Toa Nuva.




Tanma~I LIKE THE MASK :) The name is kinda weird though xD I LIKE the Swords, it's definitely more Classic then huge bulky guns.


Solek~Well at least his mask is better then Kopakas, actually much better. Swords are good.


Photok~The mask is okay, not amazing, but not horrible, The body (Or at least the pose) is a bit weird, but overall it's good. :)


OVERALL--I'm pretty happy with these guys, the masks are better, and the Swords are WIN.


Unfortunately, these aren't all the sets yet, I'm almost dreading seeing Gali, Tahu and Onua, we'll see what happens with them.


Oh yeah, these are just my opinions on what I have seen so far, they may actually be cooler IRL, All I've seen are pictures, and thats what I have based my current opinion on, so it's not like this is set in stone. Feel free to agree to disagree, but don't start up fights and say how mean I am etc. :P




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I doubt Pohatu's "smooth circular head thing" is new-- as far as I can tell, it's the same piece as is used for the visor on the Mahri.


I personally like the new sets particularly the Nuva, but I can save my reasons for a blog entry of my own. ;)

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I like the characters that are completely new (the villians and smaller dudes), but I agree that the Toa Nuva (pretty safe to call the majority of BZP's favorite toa team) are a disappointment. However, I might still get all of them because of my pure devotion to the characters. :D

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