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Depressed Updated



Gah. I thought I was over it, but apparently not.


I went to visit a university yesterday, and I really liked it. Pretty much a good thing, as it's the only uni I could actually go to. The only thing I'm not sure about is making new friends there, but I'll just have to see what happens, I guess.


Didn't get any work done at school...I just messed around instead. And now I regret that. Kids, do your schoolwork now, it'll only come back to haunt you later.


Still undecided what to do with my hair.


M and I did loads of stuff together today, so I should be happy. But that just seems to have made everything worse. I love him too much, it would seem.


I just can't seem to settle to anything. I've tried animating, MOCing, writing...but everything I do ends up half finished and completely unsatisfactory.


I think I'll go and draw a picture. I haven't done that in far too long.


EDIT: I drew this. In case you don't know, he's a character from my third book.




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We all have our down times. Just wait it out, all the while striving to better yourself more than your situation. It may sound trite, but it helps you feel better to know your very being brings joy to others, and the best way to feel better is to strive to make that true.


May or may not work for you; so take it with a grain of salt. But I personally do my best so that I might be found suitable to those around me, and as of yet, I'm not mortally depressed or anything. So bear this suggestion in mind.

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Can't you just be friends with him? You kinda creep me out...

~Sr. G

That's what we are at the moment. And if you don't understand now, which apparently you don't - hopefully you will someday.

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You know,'Depressed' does not rhyme with 'updated'.I was hoping it would.

Yes.I`m trying to cheer you up,and yes,it`s obviously not working.

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