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Makuta Of '08 Thoughts



Here I go again, stating my opinion of the 2008 Bionicle sets. I've given some thoughts in other people's blogs, so perhaps you know what I think. But I will also give extended thoughts and reasons, opinions, mind you, about these.


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I am really liking these Makuta sets. Perhaps it's the wings. Bat-like, they can strike fear from up high and swoop down to attack. (But the summer ones might not be in the air)


In general, I'll aim for the red one, then the black. (I don't usually go for the blue)


I like Antroz's (red one's) build of black and red, as that is evil. His wings and weapons are cool, definately staff/pike material. And someone said it might be normal red and I hope they are right. There has been enough darker colors, so let's even it out. On and off. Alternate colors. (For Lewa's sake)


Chirox's (Black one's) build is cool. He has new feet and Nuparu Mahri's armor in a new color. His weapons and wings are cool. Only problem is his stubs of Hordika skulls for hands, but they work, I guess, for a baddie. Is that a silver Toa Metru chest piece on his waist? I need some of those.


Vamprah (blue) is more spider like as he doesn't have feet. (But blue Mahri-toran blades! That makes up the difference)

Interesting arms/hands/weapons.

Um, does he fly? (Too bad he's a he and not a she. We need some villainesses.)


I like the heads on all of them. Glaring with some form of mouth, ready to strike without a second thought. Turns out they have Kanohi, too. Like MoMN.


I just don't understand their chest/orb thing. I guess I'll have to wait for the comics.


I've been thinking, and there was also the comment by xccj. Wouldn't it be awesome if the summer colors were:

Bright green (with perhaps dark green, being bad guys and that color scheme hasn't been used yet)

Brown (wishful thinking. But picture these guys in brown and it just might work. Maybe brown with a black or gunmetal or keetorange secondary color. Or if brown was secondary then we'd have brown double joints! Now I'm just getting ahead of myself.)

White (well, that's obvious. I don't have much to say about it except other options would be the dark white (which we need more of MOCing-wise) or a white and light bley combonation. But he's a baddie so I guess a full white body is ruled out. Some shadow is needed)


As you can tell, I like these sets a lot more than the Nuva. The Makuta look the part and I feel they will have lots of attitude.


-CF :kakama:


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Yes, there's still one last chance for Lego to reintroduce bright green in 08, so fingers crossed.






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Where would I see an example of "Dark White"...?


I think he means Thok white - it was the darkest shade of white in all the canister sets.

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Thok got the dark white (*site for AFOL's to buy Lego* (sorry, but I got in trouble for mentioning it before)lists it as "very light blish grey") simply because they didn't want the white of his teeth to blend with the colour of his armour.



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I love the Makuta sets. They're the creepiest Bionicle villains I've ever seen. But I say this with all the villain sets each year. Then again, these guys have 40+ powers and belong to one of the most powerful BIONICLE species..they need to look imposing.



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dark white (which we need more of MOCing-wise)
No, I don't ever want to see that color again.

I'm not a big fan of it either, but I thought I'd mention it before someone else did. And we do need more of it MOCing wise or else out Thok limbs go unused. Maybe Lego could use old pieces (Piraka arms, metru legs, vahki legs, stuff that, in theory, we already have a couple of)



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Thok got the dark white (*site for AFOL's to buy Lego* (sorry, but I got in trouble for mentioning it before)lists it as "very light blish grey") simply because they didn't want the white of his teeth to blend with the colour of his armour.

I hope you're not implying that it was introduced for that purpose. It actually existed as early as 2004, where it was used in the shields for Knight's Kingdom minifigs, and may have even existed prior to that.


dark white (which we need more of MOCing-wise)
No, I don't ever want to see that color again.

I'm not a big fan of it either, but I thought I'd mention it before someone else did. And we do need more of it MOCing wise or else out Thok limbs go unused. Maybe Lego could use old pieces (Piraka arms, metru legs, vahki legs, stuff that, in theory, we already have a couple of)



Not sure what sort of parts you're hoping for, but FYI you can get a lot of standard technic parts in that color from the NXT. And it has orange Bohrok eyes, too... you can never have too many of those.


You are right in your reasoning that more needs to come out, though-- Thok parts are too few to be useful in MOCs on their own, but too abundant to join the ranks of "parts never used again, even in MOCs."

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Not sure what sort of parts you're hoping for, but FYI you can get a lot of standard technic parts in that color from the NXT. And it has orange Bohrok eyes, too... you can never have too many of those.


You are right in your reasoning that more needs to come out, though-- Thok parts are too few to be useful in MOCs on their own, but too abundant to join the ranks of "parts never used again, even in MOCs."



The off white from Thok? Or light Bley?


Perhaps it'd be better if the white Makuta had white Piraka pieces. That'd open up more options than off white vahki legs (or something....)


Hmm, "parts never to be used again, even in MOCs" would make a good blog entry. I have some of those around.



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Not sure what sort of parts you're hoping for, but FYI you can get a lot of standard technic parts in that color from the NXT. And it has orange Bohrok eyes, too... you can never have too many of those.


You are right in your reasoning that more needs to come out, though-- Thok parts are too few to be useful in MOCs on their own, but too abundant to join the ranks of "parts never used again, even in MOCs."



The off white from Thok? Or light Bley?


Perhaps it'd be better if the white Makuta had white Piraka pieces. That'd open up more options than off white vahki legs (or something....)


Hmm, "parts never to be used again, even in MOCs" would make a good blog entry. I have some of those around.




Off-white. And there aren't many parts that you must never use again; I was kinda exaggerating. However, there are parts which aren't worth the effort of finding uses for them a lot of the time, like some of the Hockey parts. *shudders* A couple of pistons do not a BIONICLE part make.


And of course there are sites where Very Light Bluish Grey/ Thok white/ off white parts can be found without you having to buy the NXT set. Of course, the one with which I am most familiar has forums, so I can't mention it here, but you know what sort of sites I am talking about.

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Thok got the dark white (*site for AFOL's to buy Lego* (sorry, but I got in trouble for mentioning it before)lists it as "very light blish grey") simply because they didn't want the white of his teeth to blend with the colour of his armour.

I hope you're not implying that it was introduced for that purpose. It actually existed as early as 2004, where it was used in the shields for Knight's Kingdom minifigs, and may have even existed prior to that.

Nope, I just meant that they probably used it on Thok just for that purpose. That colour did indeed make its debut in the KK octagon shields. I doubt that it appeared before, bcause it in 2004 that Lego began producing the bleys.


Whoops, sorry for the site name. Didn't know it had forums...




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