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Ready... Fire!



Today Drew and I had an indoors Airsoft war. He had a decent blowback spring Glock pistol, I had a semi-automatic electric pistol that could just cream him. Which I did do. Whenever I could, my gun went *WHAPapapapapap!* and his went *pop*.


It was fun! :)




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Lol, Airsoft.


Anyway, You were allowed to play this indoors? Are you sure you didn't get in trouble? I mean, there's no telling what would happen If I were to play that game indoors, and my parents found out about it, which they would, seeing as how loud some of them are.



This also reminds me, I've played Airsoft once or twice with my dad, Including a few "duels" with him. Though I almost shot his eye out once...







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If it is ice cold outside and pouring down rain that would make you a sponge in a second, indoors is the only way. :P My parents care more about the BBs all over than anything else, and Drew's parents really only have worries if little Drew gets hurt. Plus, Drew was wearing a thick parka and a hat and goggles for protection, and I just had a fort, so he could hot have gotten anything serious (though I came close to a headshot several times due to a few random shots...).


"Dad? Is that a yellow ball in place of your eye?" :P



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My parents care more about the BBs all over than anything else


Yeah, I know. I used to have one of those fancy sticky targets(No idea where it is now), had it stuck on my wall, and would shoot it and stuff (Not to mention how fun it is to take the sticky thingy out and stick it on stuff). The thing is that my parents started to get kind of angry about how my floor was covered with white 6 mm pellets and whatnot, not to mention how one of our cats are retarded (literally, as in mentally impaired) and kept trying to eat the things. So I really don't fire them Airsoft guns indoors nowadays (Though I did try to use one as a substitute for bugspray once. XD).


"Dad? Is that a yellow ball in place of your eye?" :P


Well actually, It missed his eye by just half an inch. The incident would've never happened had he followed my advice when I said prescription glasses don't do the best job at protecting your eyes against BBs. Though it did miss his glasses.


The funny thing is that I kept shooting him in the rear end after the incident. And he didn't take to my humiliating him too seriously, seeing as how he took almost being blinded kind of lightheartedly. But hey, he's goofy like that and all, so it's nothing out of the ordinary.






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All over our upstairs was once a breeding ground for those pellets, found in every nook and cranny and under the pool table and the curtains. Literally, there were groups of twenty in a small area. And when I am too lazy to go and pick them up and reload, then my mom gets angry, even though we have no indoor pets. They are just so annoying ( to her). That was when I had just gotten my machine pellet gun.


LOL, I wish my dad was like that, but he is sadly (and never really was) the kind of person you could have much fun with... I will NOT get into that now, though...



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