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Lovely Beautiful Snow!

Roa McToa


I gaze to the sky as snow gently falls onto the rooftops. The sky is grey, and the trees are gleaming with the lightly frozen crisp of a fresh winter new. The songbirds that stay are the swift and the singing, flitting from branch to branch, peeping their chilly song. Taking in a breath of crisp fresh air, you can feel the frigid cold of a winter ensuing.


Long gone is the summer of past, looking forward to winter at last. To stand on a mountaintop in the dark of night, basking in the light of the moon, no other feeling can quite compare. When the snow lights up with a glow, that brings up deep feelings of warmth, in the heart you once bestowed.


Here to winter, here to snow, here to a warm hearth's glow




I love winter :)


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It... doesn't snow here I live during the winter... Everything just ices over. Everything...

...but that's straying away from the topic.




Anyway thats... nice to hear, I suppose. I hope you enjoy it up there. It must be wonderful to live in a place up north where it snows, and the weather behaves correctly.


So what's snow like anyway? It's been years since I've seen any, And I can hardly remember what it's like.

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I miss the snow, I really do. Its all rain and mud here, I miss making snowmen and freezing snowballs :P. Good times, enjoy the cold stuff Roa, and maybe take a nice picture for us!

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Yeah, you get snow...


Actually, we do to. Last winter, it snowed like crazy. It seems global warming is blowing all the cold weather to us :) . It's been snowing more and more in past years. Hopefully even more this year. Well, come to think of it, I would easily settle for last year. We got more than a foot of snow, I think.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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