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Bouncer, Fighter, Gamer



T-Hybrid is currently taking care of his benefits package, and other growed-up things. In his place, he has again requested the assistance of his guest writer.


Good evening boys and girls, VGM here bringing you the latest updates from the world of Bouncin'. I have to say that it's been a bit frantic this week, with T-Boss gettin his submissions organized in the Master of Bionicle 2 contest (he tried askin me for help but I wouldn't give it, he's on his own!). I do like his ideas so far, only hope Greg sees things the same way. He's admitted to me that even after the two qusetions he's already got a good feeling for what it's like having to make the big decisions. I can't wait till he gets a question about new characters. He's been lookin for an excuse to get Khultak and Rangi into the official storyline for years!


What have I been doin? A lil Guitar Hero there and some DDR there. T invested some of the leftover patio funds to gettin me a custom built guitar controller. And the dance pad is HUGE! So if you're ever in the Twin Cities area and start feeling a termor here or there odds are that's me tryin to clear some of the touger songs. And watch out if I start rockin out too hard during Jessica or Freebird, because I'll really get into it! And the last time I cleared a tough song I launched off a Blue Heaven in celebration. By complete accident. Neighbors weren't too happy, but they weren't home at the time so they shouldn't be complaining. Now the people in the apartments BEHIND us may have a few words, if they ever land.


T and I are gettin pumped for GHIII. Only 6 days away for now. In the meantime we're gonna be rootin for those Rockies in the World Series! So until you hear from me again GO COLOARDO!




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21 of 22, let's see if we can't make it 25 of 26.

Here here!


The best part about this is that the Rockies are in the NL. And by Man-Law that means I'm entitled to adopt them as my surrogate team. And for the record, I did this prior to them being the play-offs, as my mom and sister live in Colorado. My sister was getting into baseball via the Twins when she was here, but picked up the Rockies when they moved.

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