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I Found Out Today...





No, I'm serious, it's not flipped. The kid sitting next to me could actually do it too (but he was using all caps).


With a bit of practice you get used to it, actually. S's are tricky, as are the b-d and q-p things... and I sometimes leave out letters (like the K in backwards, for some reason).


It's fun. I'm trying to work out a good font that makes it not obvious right away that it's just normal writing, backwards... it's very hard, really. People just recognize some of those letters right away and the rest falls into place...


Oh yeah, and Happy Mole Day! 6.022x10^23! We had a party in Chem... awesome...




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Only some of the letters. I'm pretty quick with it, actually. For no apparent reason I wrote most of the first two sentences of the Declaration of Independence backwards. :P

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It's mole day?


I missed it. :(


Somehow 6.022x10^23 was easy to memorize for me, but we're passed moles and stuff now. :P


I can kind of write backwards, just not on the computer. -_-

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Oh yeah, and Happy Mole Day! 6.022x10^23! We had a party in Chem... awesome...
Yeah, lovely. Our teacher brought in a dead mole to show to us. Nothing stirs up a class of highschool students like a dad animal. VV;
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Aww... what about the mom animal and the kid animals?




Sorry, I must exploit every slightly humorous typo I see. It's genetic.

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