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Prank Of A Lifetime Aftermath



Sorry everyone this is so late. I'm using a computer at my mom's work, so I'll do what I can.


I have finally moved away from my previous town. I live in an apartment with a gym (Thank goodness!) but in a town with only one friend that I haven't seen since the fifth grade.


But that doesn't interest you at the moment. Nor should it...


The Final Prank


I had everything set. The Halloween mask of an ugly old man, my jacket, the Jolly Ranchers, the Silly String, the two 20 oz. Diet Pepsi's, the Tube for the geyser that came with the six-pack of mint Mentos.




I put the mask and my jacket on, the Silly String in my back pockets, and Jolly Ranchers bag in my hand. I walked in on the class I was skipping, tossed them all around to my classmates.


Walking away, I turned to face the hallway. Two hallways, one up and one down. I chose the Silly String the upstairs one.


I whipped out the cans, and hosed the place down stringing serveral people in the process. Once I made it down, I took the mask off and put away the Silly String, and got in the Library.


Three minutes later, I went to see my work.


Using my fake expression of suprise (which I have been practicing for most of my life), I saw the red lockers lined with the substance I only sprayed down just minutes before. I walked back to the Library. My friends that witnessed me doing it laughed with me and praised my actions. It worked without a hitch.


"Will Jonathan Batista* please come down to the office, thank you."


My friends only looked at me.


I decided that if I didn't go, they would know it was me. I went down there, convinced the principal that I didn't do it, had my friends and even two teachers (that know I did it) deny that I did it and I was left to go to my next class. Continiusly, I denied the fact that I did the Silly String Prank (because people are too stupid to realize that the goodie-goodie teacher is right there), and tricked the cop to thinking that someone set me up (because I have a reputation of doing pranks, its my last school day in that town, and everyone would say its me) so I passed off this lie for TWO, count them, TWO hours. It was intended that I do the Diet-Pepsi and Mentos geyser during lunch, but I barely got away with the Silly String, why risk it with this?


Well, needless to say, my friends were too stupid to throw away the mask and Silly String. The mask was found in a bathroom and the Silly String cans inside a random locker (which almost got that kid in trouble, so I don't blame him for saying my name).


Now how hard could it be to throw away these three things with a DIRECT ORDER?


Well, too hard. I was given a wet rag, a dust pan and a sweeper (for the dry bits on the ground), and started cleaning the lockers.


After school, I took out the Diet Coke and Mentos, and after dropping the Mentos two times, I finally got it!... to go up like 6 inches. People were standing around waiting for a big fountain, guess I should gone with the 2 Liter.


Ah, well. All's fine and well now. I left my mark. I glad.


The only thing I'll truly miss though...




Jon out...


Batista*=Fake last name




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