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Ugh, Some People..



Today, while going home from school, i find a sign in the sidewalk. I pick it up, then a few minutes later, some old guy pulls over and says "PUT IT BACK", So i say "Okay.." and put it back, then ge says (PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT!". So i say "I did, it was over here.." He says "PUT IT BACK OR ILL CALL THE COPS ON YOUR -censored-" I say 'Dude, i'm serious, it was here."


He drives off saying "Allright, I'll call the cops!"


First off, he had no right to be demanding this from me, it was likely not his sign, and he isn't a figure of authority (and speaking to me like that isn't such a good idea.)


I wonder what he'll say to the cops, seeing as how i was on foot and he doesn't know who i am.


Seriously, some people are so ignorant.


But the good news is i'll likely never see him again.



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Even if he knew anything about me, the cops wouldn't care- you're right. They have worse things to deal with than a kid picking up a for sale sign he found on the sidewalk. :P


And his voice was hilarious- Picture a combination of SquidWard and Demyx's voices. That's basically his voice.

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And his voice was hilarious- Picture a combination of SquidWard and Demyx's voices. That's basically his voice.
Lolz. The cops probably aressted HIM for disurbing the peace. :P


MB has spoken

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Also, he could have been calmer about it. He could have just rolled down the window and said something like "Hey, could you put that back?", then actually trust that it was where i put it.

Teenagers never get any respect... >.>

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