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Lady Kopaka


Yay, BZP is back!




ARGH ARGH ARGH. I'm trying to finish my side of the Art Trade with Ranna, but PRIDAKS STUPID FACE WONT LET ME DRAW HIM. AAAAGGHGH!


...And I really, really do not want to start over. >_<


Yeah I'm fine. :| How are you?


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That's how Pohatu Olda's going for me as well. D:




Wouldn't it be nice if drawings just drew themselves? 8D



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You're doing Pridak? Sweeeet. He's one of my all-time favorite characters. Sorry about the face -- don't worry, you'll get it!
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Wouldn't it be nice if drawings just drew themselves? 8D

Oh yes. ;-;


You're doing Pridak? Sweeeet. He's one of my all-time favorite characters. Sorry about the face -- don't worry, you'll get it!

Yeah, I'm doing a pre mutation version, so it's like...double hard. =[ Thanks though, I'm hanging in there!

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If it's really difficult just find a picture of a really hot guy for inspiration... or whatever... if you are doing him in human form you could just trace it I guess...


Gah! not knowing what you have for me so far is making it hard for me to help... <_<

don't sweat it though it will be great!





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I'm fin, thanks for asking. :P


As for Pridak, well, for my entry in that cover contest they had in spring/summer, I just set Pridak on my bed, propped up against a pillow and drew from that, using the pose he was in. He turned out pretty good actually. Matoro on the other hand, didn't turn out as well. Passable, yes, but likely the reason I didn't even get in the runner-up section. See, i was drawing Matoro from the back, and at the time we didn't have any images of him from behind, so I was doing a lot of guessing. ><

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