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Let's Have An Iq Test, Shall We?

##### Bassai


Here's an IQ test to see how smart you are. Answer each question in your response to this blog, and I'll grade you.

(Don't worry, I won't insult you...I'll just give you a comical grade)

Trust your instincts...and may the Force be with you. :P


1. How much wood could the woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck could chuck wood?

2. (this is quoted from Calvin and Hobbes) How many boards could the mongol hordes hoard if the mongol hordes got bored?

3. Chuck Noriss.

4. If you go back in time and get your great, great grandfather before he gets married, and take him to the present, will either of you exist? Will he even be in the present since you took him away before he got married, therefore you couldn't have been descended from him, and therefore YOU don't exist? Will anything have happened? Help!

Read the message below, then answer the questions:


Below is a secret, automated message. Once you have read the message, it will send a virus to your computer that will then escape to the Internet. Within 10 minutes all the computers on earth will explode, and within 20 minutes the universe will suddenly be altered and will reboot from the second you looked at the message. At that very instant of reboot, everything will be the same except that the message will be replaced with a blank space, and the very second you look at the blank space, you will not remember the universe rebooting or the Internet shutting down. You may say, "Hey, when I got ON this stupid blog, I didn't remember it!" But that's only because when your memory of the tragedy was erased, all the memories of you THINKING about it were also erased. So here is the secret message:




5. Now, for the first question about this: did anything REALLY happen? Think about this carefully.

6. Does this message mean anything?

7. Is the message true?

8. Am I playing with your mind?

9. Is this really a test made by the CIA? Are your answers being filed?

10. What is the meaning of life?




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It's alright guys, just answer each question and number which answer you're giving: example answers(don't copy this :P):

1) Too much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was smart enough to chuck wood.

2) 42 boards would the mongols horde, if the mongols were bored that is, because 42 is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

3) What can I say?


Yeah. :P





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1. He'd Chuck all the wood that a wood Chuck could chuck... if a wood chuck could chuck wood...


2. They'd hoard all the boards that the Mongol hoards could hoard... if the Mongol hoards could hoard boards... =P


3. True.


4. Quite simply, you went into another universe and messed that one up but yours stayed the same =P


5. No =P


6. No


7. No =PP


8. No


9. No =PP


10. 42!

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