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Ugh...I have issues.


No, I'm not referring to being insane...


Recently, I haven't been able to sleep at a regular time. I was doing decently for a month or two, but now I can't get back on track. It's like no matter how hard I try, I end up failing in the end. I've tried a lot of stuff, but the only thing that seems to work is staying up through the night to the point where I'm tired enough to go to bed at a normal time, and that doesn't always work...


That, and I haven't gained any weight(For those of you wondering why this is a concern, yes, I am underweight. And growing.). It's not so much that I won't "eat anything" as it is that I feel sick after eating just about anything in the first place. And really, it's not just a feeling; if I eat "enough", it won't stay down... along with half the other food I ate that day. And really, I don't have the slightest clue what it is. Though my parents are saying it's basically all my fault, I just don't get how it could be. I mean, I try to eat normal amounts, but whenever I do, I'll just feel sick and whatnot from it all.


Oh, and I just came back from church(Yes, it was a Baptist church). I was originally going to rant in this entry about my life being incredibly boring and whatnot, but recently, they've found quite a few things for me to do to help around with over at church, so I'm just going to leave that rant behind me...






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