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Uhg, I have homework. The works kind to. I, unlike most people , prefer the kind of questions that involve no creativity what-so-ever, and you just answere the question. Fourtunately, one of my itmes on my homework list for to day is simple handwriteing practice, which is easy. The other thing, I'm flat out of ideas. I have to make a poster about bullying, and I decided to do ways to Stop a Bully. Cheese, I know. Anyways, as I said, I'm out of ideas. So, if some of you can help me, you will recive A special "prize," which I have planned. So, help away.




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Be all serious and funny/random/insane at the same time. Sounds like the cheese is a step in the right direction. That's random but you could totally pull it off in a practical "Stopping-a-Bully" way.


Good luck, sounds fun! (I should be doing homework right now....)



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I have something reminicent to that, but I does help. Thank you.


List of junk I have:

  • Agree with bully.

Say something unexpected.

Ignore Them.

Laugh along with them.

Tell them that you're not afraid of them.

Report it to someone older than you.

Say something random/funny, but be serious about it.

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