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Just wondering. What was the funniest thing that happened to you in a Halo match?


And if you've never played Halo, you're missing out.





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The BEST thing that happened to me was... uh... I slaughtered everyone on a King of the Hill match in beaver Creek...

Lets see, funny...


I can't remember.

So many good times playing Halo 2...

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Too bad I don't have a 360...


Funniest thing, I think, is when I was playing Derelict(Halo PC) on Team Slayer, with rockets only.


I killed something like 6 or 7 guys with only two shots, but one of them got me with a plasma 'nade to the head.


So I kill them, and I die two second later, and we all type "xD" at the same time.




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I used to...

Hey, what was that website you mentioned in my blog, and am I showing up on your msn contact list, cause it's not working for me...

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Thanks for the link! I'm checking out white primaries... it's hard to tell the difference between the different Elite body armors...

How bout now? I'm signed in.

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I was playing with my buddy who owns the game. We were on the map that was an entirely tan enclosed space with a bunker in the middle of the courtyard (don't remember the name :P ). There's usually an energy sword in the bunker if that helps...


So anyway, I'm up on one of the gun platforms and he starts throwing grenades at me. The first couple hit the railing, so I think they can't reach me. Well, I lose sight of him and suddenly a grenade lands on the railing right in front of my face!

I screech and, needless to say, it blew me up.


Also an inside joke of ours is how many times he manages to splat me with the Ghost when I can never manage to hit him with one...


Ah, good times...



CT :pirate:

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Ok, so I was playing with my friends on Blood Gulch, I normaly suck but I got ionto the warthog and was splatteriong people the whole game! That was some major ownage.




PS: Your rioght, anyone who doesn't play Halo is missing out on all the fun.

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I've only played Halo twice and both times were pretty funny. The first time the only thing I figured out how to do was jump, so my avatar looked like he was skipping. Meanwhile my opponant had a missle launcher I and was firing at me but kept on missin cause I was jumping over the projectiles :superfunny: good times :) .
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Well, when one of the banned members of my clan was begging for me to let him back in, I had been watching him in my sniper scope, and when he stopped to type, I said "Consider this my answer," and sniped him.


Perhaps not the funniest thing, but surely the most memorable.

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I was playin halo 2 w/ my friend, and he shot at the warthog and it didn't flip in the air,it just


stood on it's back end. Too bad my dad deleted the pic!:(

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