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Halloween 2007 After-action Report



...and even the chess team...


First off, I currently have only one picture of my costume and it's not a very good one, so I'm going to wait for my friend's mom to send me the pictures they took of me. Secondly, the whole Halloween thing weas rather nice. My portrayal of the stereotypical nerd went off very well, and I alternately dazzled and confused people with my renditions of White'n'Nerdy and geek jargon. I also had fun yelling in Klingonese and screaming for the little kids to attack as our mob of 10-15 people roamed the streets, liberating candy from the elderly. As I mentioned, I was a nerd. Onion #1* was a Rolling Stone/hippie/nursing home escapee, Onion #2 was a Mafia boss, and Queen of Sheba was some sort of undead arachnophile with nice makeup and stuff. NERD PANTS ARE UNCOMFORTABLE. Also, I am A+ Certified and working toward my Network+ and I have successfully integrated Linux with Windows 98 on a dual boot system and THE MATRIX HAS YOU WHAT NOW?!?

I didn't see any noteworthy costumes... A TV in one of the houses was playing the Colbert Report, so like the good Colbertican that I am I hung around the front door for as long as I could...


...only question I ever thought was hard...




...is do I like Kirk or do I like Picard...




...spend every weekend at the Renaissance Fair...


*Names have been changed to protect whichever of my friends might feel that they need protection. I'm thinking particularly of Tessa here. XD


...got my name--*dies*


and now i can hear my mom in the kitchen going through our communistically communal forced candy pool wow this sugar stuff is bad for me at least its not caffeine but my train of thought it does nothing


Arpy (for good this time I hope)

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