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This contest is similar to the one I did awhile ago with one of my other epics, The Six Matoran. In that contest, you'd come up with a name for a character, and the best name got to be used as a character in my epic. The winner also got a PM with the completed epic chapter before I posted it.


This contest is similar, but not exactly the same.


In my latest epic, Barro is trying to solve a mystery based around a dream he had and the fact this his friend died. I want YOU to come up with a character or a place that he can go to do that! Maybe a Po-Matoran can help him solve the mystery, or maybe he can learn something at the Ga-Metru schools.




*The place must be an actual place, not a made-up island (it takes place on Metru Nui slightly before the Great Cataclysm) Also, it cannot be the Knowledge towers. And be creative! It doesn't have to be Le-Metru, but how about a jungle in Le-Metru? Stuff like that.


*The character must be made-up along with name, race (Ga-Matoran, Ta-Matoran, etc.).


*You can only choose to do a place or a character, but not both.


*You must be following the story! I know that the chapters are kind of long, but just skin through it if you haven't read it.




Last time, there was only one winner. This time, there will still be one winner, but there will be others prizes as well.


Grand prize: Barro will meet the character or go to that place and he/she/it will help in solving the mystery. The winner will also get a PM with the uncompleted chapter. They can then PM me back with ideas, errors, etc. And I will fix it to their liking. They will then get another PM with the completed and edited chapter.


First prize: The runner-up will get to co-write an upcoming chapter with me. Details will be provided via PM.


Contestants: All contestants will get a participation prize. No, it's not just a PM with "better luck next time".


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