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2008 Sets: Pars Secunda



I will now bring you my thoughts on the little evils of 2008.


The first thing of notice which I failed to look up on the first part of this extended review was the price. I noted that the amount of new pieces wasn't ordinary for those types of sets. I was wrong. These sets will be (according to the links we received) selling for 6.99 Euro. Sure, that'd be a good price if it was in USD, but it's in Euro. And it converts to $10.1495 USD. To save me from doing this in parts 3 and 4, that makes the larger sets (Phantoka and Nuva) $14.5055 USD. And finally, Toa Ignika will be $26.1215 USD. It seems the usual USD prices are now the Euro prices. Our $6.99 boxed sets are now 6.99 Euro. Our $10 canisters are now ten Euro. Ah well.


Hey, it looks like age went down to six but still won't go above 16.


These sets show the boxes and box graphics rather than pictures of the set, so we don't get to see as much detail of these as we did with the Matoran. The box design on Radiak immediately made me think of a volcano-type box often uses on those little packs of dinosaurs. I wonder if both the top and bottom come off or just one of them.


Radiak (red): Looks like we get more of Tanma's arm pieces with this one. The piece is alright so I won't complain. They're just small sets anyway. This amount of new pieces is usually...unusual. Four more of the slightly changed hand pieces and--surprise--they included more Takanuva staffs. This shocks me. The pieces is hardly ever used. :P The four-legged design is interesting, though not usual for intelligent beings, which these would appear to me. I suppose it's time we broke away from the humanoids being intelligent. Can't see much of the body, except that it is a grey-ish color, in contrast to the other pieces' color except the hands. The head is...interesting. Reminds me of something previously used, but I can't tell what except possibly Hakaan. Kinda cool, though.


Gavla: (blue): Carapar's weapons are way big on (I hope) her. But being almost longer than Gavla's height gives a sort of cool effect. Can't tell what the arms are but the legs have been used on the previous three sets I talked about. I think they're Tanma's arms again, but I'm not really sure at this size and angle. Ah! The arms are Photok's legs. Um...wow. Are those what I think they are? Two-toed Piraka claws? Very strange. I think they clash as well. Body appears similar to the others'. Mask is interesting, new. Somewhat looks as if they tried to make it stream-like. Again, I wonder if those eyes are really there. With the Kongu Mahri piece, eyes can be put in without limiting posability.


Kirop (Uh...white? Black?): Photok arms and Tanma/Solek legs! Wonderful. Photok's arms are the best I've seen so far and I'm glad they're on this set. Well, like everyone else, I like this one the best. The body is similar, but on this one we have little funny-looking wings. And Matoro's twin cutters are the weapons, which work nicely. The head is great and the eyes might possibly be the studs, sideways this time, used on the Barraki. The color scheme her is good as well.


Next: Toa Nunuva


Recommended Comments

Nice reviews. For me, Radiak's mask looked like a Kadin, if that's what you were thinking of. And yes, Gavla is female, she's a Ga-Matoran.


Kirop is so awesome.

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The return of two-toed Matoran feet is win. Metru feet on Matoran make them lose their Matoranness, regardless of the number of toes. IMHO, of course.

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