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Part The Second...






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It started out as a free-form build, meaning I had no idea what it was going to be. If you saw the WIP pic I posted in an earlier entry, that's the original freeform MOC. A bit after I got that far, I had the wierd idea of making it a spaceship of some sort. From that point, I started building with an actual idea, which was to made a spaceship that looked very alien.


And anyone who says System is the only way to build spaceships, you are wrong.




The probe sent to the galactic core in 2901 was the only probe that never came back. Many hypotheses were put forward, but to no avail. The fate of the probe remained a mystery for another three years, until a military cruiser intercepted a transmission seemingly from the lost probe. Minutes later, contact with the ship was lost, its uplink terminated. The last ten seconds it had transmitted to Earth were nothing but screams.


Two days later, one of the cruisers orbiting Proxima Centauri was found utterly devoid of life, its crew mutilated beyond recognition, their skin burned off by acid. The ship was hauled to a top secret Praetor facility buried deep inside Pluto, and scoured inch by inch for traces of the attackers. The only thing found was a small artifact, three inches long, ellipsoid, with dull, pulsing red runes along its edges.


It was placed in an isolation chamber, but thirty-six hours later, it had grown, pushing outward and destroying a large section of the base. Now over two hundred feet from end to end, with runes covering close to ninety percent of its surface, it slowly cleared, revealing what could only be thought of as a ship. Solid black, with almost no trace of the runes that had covered the egg's surface. A fin-like structure, connected to the body of the ship by a spine of what seemed like bone, expanding as it met with the lower body, forming a solid connection for the engines, which throbbed rythmically, the only traces of runes blinking in sync. The front of the ship was connected to several protrusions, two of which served to hold it several feet off the floor. Another protrusion from the ship's front, pulsed in peristaltic waves when subjected to high frequency sound. It was speculated to be a weapon, however, and a framework of sound-dampening material was built around it.





Recommended Comments

I like it. Free form with a subject. I dunno....


Nice use of pieces, namely the Kanohi.

The exo-force arms look out of place on the middle top though.



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I like it. Free form with a subject. I dunno....


Nice use of pieces, namely the Kanohi.

The exo-force arms look out of place on the middle top though.



That's probably because they're iron, not black. Every time, I check, TRU is sold out of the small Aquaraiders set that has 'em in black, and I don't particularly want the Bionicle playset that also has them.




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