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The New Kid Burden



I missed school today for the simple reasons that one, my mom doesn't want to drive me to school because she's too tired, and two, I woke up at 7, an the bus leaves five minutes before that.


But what I find as one of the most difficult tasks a new kid can have is this.


Finding someplace to sit.


Yes, I do have my fantasies that a table of cute girls call me and I'm back in business flirting, but thats never the case (unless I happen to model, which isn't likely either)


Though there is this cute girl in my Geometry class that had a conversation with...


Anyways, yesterday I sit at the table with the Brazilian(s) I recognize. It isn't easy. I have to wander around for 20 seconds looking like an cool dude with my eyes searching every table. But eventually I found one... too bad the table of Brazilian girls was full.


Another thing, as much as I want to, I don't think it'll happen. I keep talking to Taki about this, I can't keep it out of my mind... I really want a Blog of the Week Award. But I might as well give up and just keep updating this thing.


Over and out...




Recommended Comments

Come now, Arch-Angel, don't be discouraged over such a trivial subject. Look at me; as a normal member, I can't even create blogs, much less win the award. So rest assured that you at least have a better chance than I do.

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