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"make My Day" Contest Rules And Stuff

Kallista ~ Little light


"Make my day"

Is a contest where the objective is to draw a Bionicle who is usually stereo typed as "evil/prone to evil emotions" being nice and sweet.

I personally have been finding too many evil Tahu's frying around since AC14 which doesn't make sense to me because it was about reversal not who looks best evil. Ok Rant over, Here are the rules.


NO STEREOTYPING the Stereotypes!

I don't want to see a bunch of Makuta's dressed in pink having a tea party with his Rakshi.

I want to see real emotions and genuine feelings in the pictures

"think realistic but be creative"

show me like it is actually happening


If you would like to make a comic or several pictures that tell the story Be My guest!

All mediums are welcome

I will not be comparing a hand drawn with a CG. I am a thorough judge and will study the Full quality of your work before making any decisions.


All BZP Rules Apply (duh)

Note: You can place opinions on peoples work but take note that I'm the judge for this. Popular vote does not apply here. If things get tuff I might take some 2nd opinion but I make the final decision on who wins.

Problem with that? No? Good!


Extra Important note: This isn't AC14 right now. I don't want alternate universes or crazy mutations. I just want to see the good side of some characters that normally get overlooked or shoved aside.

Prime example: Tahu, he has a soft side too you know. + he is a Toa! TOA AREN'T EVIL!!!

Or TSO, there are more layers then we think so dig deep and see if you can unearth something special.

Prizes are yet to be decided...


Well I think that might be all for now so Go forth and Draw!




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ummm.....is any villan(besides roodaka) a girl?


You miss understood me.

This isn't AC14 right now. I don't want alternate universes or crazy mutations. I just want to see the good side of some characters that normally get overlooked or shoved aside.

Prime example: Tahu, he has a soft side too you know.

Or TSO, there are more layers then we think so dig deep and see if you can unearth something special.





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Actually, Tahu is evil. Heck, there's even an Evil Tahu MoC.


I'll admit though, the though behind the contest is kind of interesting. I'll see if I can get around to drawing something for it. Probably something with Krekka being somewhat good, though still the goofy imbecile that he is.





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I haven’t thought of a dew date...

Maybe around Christmas? End of December? I really don't know.



Dew date... *pink border forms as Aanchir tries to envision this*

"Waiter, another Game Fuel over here for the lady!"

*pink border vanishes*


Anyway, perhaps I'll enter what would have been my AC14 entry; it actually kind of fits this contest better. *goes to upload to Brickshelf* *realizes it's already on Brickshelf, and posts a link* Is this eligible?




*either way, goes to make topic now that it's finally public* *posts a link to the topic-- click the pic for the link*

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Don't worry I'm going to enter too when I have the time! =D I'll try to hurry up with my picture. You should tell Nikira and a few other artists about this too!
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I'm here! :happydance:


But yeah, I'll be glad to cook up something for this! ^^ I just need to get a good idea rolling in my head. XD


Is there any time limit?



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Is there any time limit?




I'm now thinking new years day...


Lady Ranna


Ooo, plenty of time for brainstorming. :D



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Great idea Ranna. Is it okay if I did a drawing of Dalu being wise and smart instead of her normal personality of just wanting to go to war and doing stuff immediately instead of thinking about it?



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