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Queen of Noise


A friend of mine complained about my lack of new entries here, something of which I am entirely guilty, so I'll pull a Ross-MacKenzie-style fill (which is not to say I am a fan of his editorials, actually; I would much rather see a Kathleen Parker of Leonard Pitts piece any day).




The play was absolutely phenomenal. All four nights were of highest quality, even when the audience was sub-par. The entire cast did a fantastic job and the crew was flawless. Even the program was awesome--everything was perfect about the show. Here's to the next one!




Never suspect that the lack of going "home" in college will prevent "homework." I went to a high school in which there was an egregious amount of homework assigned, yet I am still gasping for air at the amount of work doled out here. Madness!


Such is the price we pay for higher education--or feeble attempts at it, as my case may be, hahah.




The play and the homework were, unfortunately, not the only things keeping my from BZ during these past few weeks. Last Monday, I found myself suffering from an extremely severe headache--it was so painful that I could not even think clearly, let alone drive back to campus or go to classes. My parents (I am very lucky and grateful to have parents who are there for me when I need them) drove me back to HSC and I went to the health center. There it was discovered that my blood pressure was rather elevated. Everything culminated in my being shuttled to the emergency room at the southside hospital, where I was subjected to a cat scan, was hooked up to crazy monitors, had my arm shot full of who-knows-what, and essentially floundered around in anxiety. You know how it is, if you've ever been in a hospital.


Luckily, the suspect cause of the headaches was a simple sinus infection. I was given antibiotics and painkillers and decongestants which i have been taking daily as prescribed. The headache is still lingering, but thanks to the medicine it is numbed enough that I can go to class and such again. Hopefully soon it will be gone, but I'm a little worried.


You have to understand that it had been a while since I had had a bad headache. About four years ago, for a period of roughly three of four months, I endured a string of endless, inexplicable headaches. I went to all kinds of doctors and had various wild tests and scans done--ct scans, EEGs, MRIs, you name it--and was given painkillers to help. The medicine numbed the headache, but it still was there, threatening to explode to full magnitude if I stopped taking the medicine as prescribed. Sometimes they were so bad that I couldn't do simple tasks, and getting plenty of rest wasn't driving them away. Despite this, the doctors couldn't explain what was causing them. Eventually, after a handful of months, they rather abruptly subsided and didn't spring up again.


Hopefully this scenario isn't going to be a repeat of those months.




The current BBCC's theme is the best theme any building contest on BZPower has ever had. I am very glad it became a reality, and I really do wish I had my bricks here with me so that I could construct an entry.




I miss my Strat, too.




Finally, a huge congratulations to the one-and-only Tufi M. Piyufi, who has very deservedly earned the position of Forum Administrator. Tufi definitely deserves this position and I know she will do a fantastic job. Of course, it will undoubtedly lead to utter mayhem and terror for the entirety of the BZPower populace (PUFFIN POWER PRODUCES PANDEMONIUM!), but I am unconcerned, because the Prophecies of Piyufi don't want me dead. I hope.


Anyway, you're only three steps away, ma'am. We're all quaking in fear. Congratulations!

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If you did have your pieces, would you have made the grammar hammer? I already did. :P And yeah, I guess "PUFFIN POWER PRODUCES PANDEMONIUM" works. I guess.

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